Ritual Tools Using Horseshoes for Good Luck Everyone could use a few extra blessings and some good fortune in their lives.
Ritual Tools Using Magical Sachet Powders For Rootwork Magical sachet powders are a potent and useful way to affect not only one's own life but that of someone else's as well.
Spells & Rituals Using Sachet Powders To Attract and Control Use sachet powders to magically empower your home and ritual space, attract and manifest your desires, or influence others to do your bidding.
Amulets & Talismans Lucky Talismans and How To Use Them These lucky talismans are recognized the world over and can help bring more good fortune into your life.
Ritual Tools The Magical Uses of Lemon, Lime, and Orange Oil Citrus fruits are some of the most magically potent and versatile ingredients out there -- and you probably have some in your kitchen right now!
Herb Magic The Spiritual Benefits of Sandalwood Incense and Oils What are sandalwood incense and oils good for? Besides having a wonderfully fragrant scent, its spiritual uses include protection, luck, healing,...