Spiritual Candles
Experience the transformative power of our spiritual candles. Each candle is designed to light your way, enhance your rituals and spells, and manifest your intentions with pure, radiant energy.
Starting at $6.95
Our 7 Day 7 Color Plain candle is an all-purpose candle for luck, protection, success, and good health. The 7 Color Plain candle can also be used...
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Starting at $5.95
Burn our 7 Day Plain Black candle for separation, to break a spell, or to banish evil.
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Starting at $5.95
Burn our 7 Day Plain Blue candle for peace, wisdom and success in court and legal matters. Measures 2 1/2" Wide and 8 1/4" Tall. This candle will...
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Starting at $5.95
Brown is the color of Earth. Burn our 7 Day Plain Brown candle for balance, concentration, and increased telepathic power. Brown candles are used...
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Starting at $5.95
Gold is the very symbol of good fortune. It represents money, success, protection, and victory over our troubles. Burn our 7 Day Plain Gold candle...
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Starting at $5.95
Gray is a neutral color. It is useful to the practitioner when meditating on complex issues to gain wisdom. Burn our 7 Day Plain Grey candle for...
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Starting at $5.95
The color green symbolizes luck and money. Burn our 7 Day Plain Green candle to draw money and for good luck. Green is also associated with the...
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Starting at $5.95
Orange is the color of the 2nd chakra – the Sacral Chakra. This chakra represents creativity and sensuality. Burn our 7 Day Plain Orange candle to...
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Starting at $5.95
The color pink manifests love, devotion, friendship, and faith. Burn our 7 Day Plain Pink candle for attraction, affection, and allurement.
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Starting at $5.95
The 6th chakra – the Third Eye Chakra, is the color purple. Our third eye is the doorway to our intuition. Burn our 7 Day Plain Purple Candle to...
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Starting at $5.95
Red is the color of the 1st chakra - the Root Chakra. Red stimulates energy, vitality, fertility, and personal power. Burn our 7 Day Plain Red...
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Starting at $5.95
The color white represents purity, peace, harmony, truth, unity, and spirit. White is also the color of the 7th chakra - the Crown Chakra - which...
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Starting at $5.95
Yellow is the color of confidence, brainpower, and intellect. It is also the color of the 3rd chakra, the Solar Plexus. Burn our 7 Day Plain Yellow...
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