Sachets & Sprinkling Powders
Conjure powerful magic with these sachet and sprinkling powders. Used in spells, Hoodoo, Voodoo, rootwork, and other ritual practices.
"Choose Your Own" Sachet Powder
Starting at $4.95We have thousands of sachet powders in stock - in fact too many to list on our website. Don't see the particular sachet powder you are looking for?...
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7 African Powers Sachet Powder
Starting at $4.95Wear on your body after the bath or sprinkle the 7 African Powers sachet powder to invoke the virtues of the 7 African Orishas. When called upon...
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Starting at $4.95
Wear or sprinkle the African Ju Ju Sprinkling Powders and Sachet to increase the strength of your spellwork. Available in 1 oz, 1/2 lb & 1 lb...
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Starting at $4.95
The Algiers powder is a powerful Louisiana love sachet that can be worn on the body or sprinkled around the home. Available in 1 oz, 1/2 lb & 1...
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Starting at $4.95
Use this powerful sachet powder to dress your altar. Available in 1 oz, 1/2 lb & 1 lb Quantities.
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Starting at $4.95
Wear or sprinkle the Angel sachet powder to evoke your guardian angel. This powder contains a special blend of ingredients specially formulated to...
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Starting at $4.95
Wear our Attraction sachet powder on your body after bathing, sprinkle it around your bedroom, or use it to dress our 7 Day Love Candle to attract...
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Starting at $4.95
Wear or sprinkle the banishing powder to expel an unwanted person from your house. Available in 1 oz, 1/2 lb & 1 lb Quantities.
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Starting at $4.95
The Bat's Blood Powder is a powerful unhexing powder. Available in 1 oz, 1/2 lb & 1 lb Quantities
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Starting at $4.95
Wear or carry Bend Over Sachet Powder to control those you want to obey you and to bend others to do you well.
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Starting at $4.95
Wear or sprinkle the Bible Sachet powder when reading or studying the bible. Available in 1oz, 1/2lb & 1lb Quantities
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Starting at $4.95
Wear on your body or sprinkle our Binding Sachet Powder where your lover walks to bind and tie them close to you. Available in 1 oz, 1/2 lb & 1...
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Starting at $4.95
Sprinkle our Black Art powder in your enemy's shoe to cross or hex them. Available in 1 oz, 1/2 lb & 1 lb Quantities
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Starting at $4.95
Wear on your body or sprinkle the black cat powder around your home to break up a crossed condition or to remove a hex.
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