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  1. Candle Red 14 Day

    14 Day Plain Red Candle

    Starting at $15.95

    Burn our 14 Day Plain Red candle for love, sexual energy, power, protection, strength, and domination.

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  2. Martha 7day 48139

    7 Day Martha the Dominator (Martha Dominadora) Pull Out Candle

    Starting at $9.95

    Burn our 7 Day Santa Martha Dominadora Pull Out candle to control and dominate your man. For added strength anoint with our Martha the Dominator oil.

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  3. Candle Red Plain 7 Day

    7 Day Plain Candle Red

    Starting at $5.95

    Red is the color of the 1st chakra - the Root Chakra. Red stimulates energy, vitality, fertility, and personal power. Burn our 7 Day Plain Red...

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  4. Candle Red Pullout 7 Day

    7 Day Pull Out Candle Red

    Starting at $8.95

    Burn our 7 Day Red Pull Out candle for love, sexual energy, protection, power, and domination. Measures 3" Wide and 8 1/4" Tall. Our Pull Out...

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  5. 7 drops of love big al wash 47776

    7 Drops of Love Big Al Bath & Floor Wash

    Starting at $6.95

    Use our specially prepared 7 Drops of Love Bath and Floor Wash to draw the one you desire to you, keep your lover close and strengthen the intimacy...

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  6. Amarra hombre 1oz

    Amarra Hombre

    Starting at $12.95

    Ignite a powerful connection with Amarra Hombre perfume. Immerse him in an atmosphere of dedication and profound intimacy. Allow this mesmerizing...

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  7. Bayberry oil 00770

    Bayberry (ArĂ¡ndano) Oil

    Starting at $4.95

    Bayberry Oil (Aceite de ArĂ¡ndano) is a popular tool in spiritual and magical practices, with strong associations with abundance, prosperity, and...

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  8. Bend Over Big Al 73591

    Bend Over Custom Big Al Candle

    Starting at $19.95

    Have an overbearing boss or a rigid, uncompromising friend or lover? Burn our Bend Over Custom Big Al Candle to help others "bend" to your will....

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  9. Bend over oil 07356

    Bend Over Oil

    Starting at $4.95

    Bend Over Oil is used for protection. Use this magical oil to bend others to your will. You can wear it on your body or you may use the bend over...

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  10. Bend over powder 32824

    Bend Over Sachet Powder

    Starting at $4.95

    Wear or carry Bend Over Sachet Powder to control those you want to obey you and to bend others to do you well.

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  11. Bergamot oil 11929

    Bergamot (Bergamota) Oil

    Starting at $4.95

    Our Bergamot Oil (Aciete de Bergamota) is popular oil used to lift your spirit, ease anxiety and chase away depression.

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  12. Binding powder 58709

    Binding Sachet Powder

    Starting at $4.95

    Wear on your body or sprinkle our Binding Sachet Powder where your lover walks to bind and tie them close to you. Available in 1 oz, 1/2 lb & 1...

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  13. Black walnut leaves

    Black Walnut Leaves

    Starting at $4.95

    Black Walnut leaves have spiritual and medicinal properties, traditionally used to remove negative energy, purify the body and spirit, promote good...

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  14. Mojo bog commanding

    Blessed Commanding Mojo Bag


    Use this Blessed Commanding Case Mojo Bag (Brujeria Resguardo) to gain an upper hand, and dominate, your enemies. Each bag carries a carefully...

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  15. Bring back my man custom big al candles 90649

    Bring Back My Man Custom Big Al Candle

    Starting at $19.95

    Our custom made Big Al candles are triple strength 7 Day prepared candles. Use this candle to restore the bonds of love and return your man to his...

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