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  1. 7 african powers orisha statue 52330

    7 African Powers Orisha Statue


    The 7 African Powers Orisha Statue, which is 13 inches long and made from high-quality resin, beautifully embodies the seven Orishas. Each figure...

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  2. 7 african powers with cross statue 24705

    7 African Powers Orisha Statue with Cross


    The 12-inch tall 7 African Powers Orisha Statue with Cross, made from quality resin, combines spiritual symbolism and artistic finesse. It features...

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  3. 7 potencias santa muerte statue

    7 Powers of Santa Muerte Statue


    Honor the sacred presence of Santa Muerte with this 13 inch resin 7 Powers of Santa Muerte Statue (7 Potencias Santa Muerte), a beautifully crafted...

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  4. Baby elegua 10 inch 36600

    Baby Elegua Statue 10"


    Elegua is the Orisha who opens and closes all paths to mankind. 10" Resin Baby Elegua Statue

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  5. Elegua 12 inch statue

    Baby Elegua Statue 12"


    Celebrate the playful and powerful energy of Baby Elegua with this beautifully crafted 12-inch statue. Elegua, the Orisha of crossroads,...

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  6. Baby elegua 6 inch 09180

    Baby Elegua Statue 6"


    Elegua is the Orisha who opens and closes all paths to mankind.

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  7. Decorated elegua head 17822

    Decorated Elegua Head 12"


    Beautiful 12-inch tall decorated resin Orisha Elegua head with seashell embedded base. A gorgeous addition to anyone's altar.

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  8. Decorated elegua head 96477

    Decorated Elegua Head 8"


    Beautiful 8-inch tall decorated resin Orisha Elegua head with seashell embedded base. A gorgeous addition to anyone's altar.

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  9. Elegua car statue 11638

    Elegua Car Statue


    Elegua (also spelled Eleggua; known as Eleguá in Latin America) is an Orisha Of The Roads Or, Caminos, In The Religion Of Santeria, Candomble, and...

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  10. LG1344 12 1 77922



    12" Resin statue of Exu (known as Elegua in Santeria) is Pomba Gira's husband.

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  11. House of elegua 10 inch 42438

    House of Elegua 12"


    Elegua is the Orisha who opens and closes all paths to mankind.

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  12. Olokun 12 21770

    New Olokun Statue 12"


    Olokun is the Queen of the Sea. 12" Resin Orisha Olokun Statue

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  13. LG1356 12 1 09681

    New Orisha Obatala Statue 12"


    Obatala is the father figure of all the Orishas. 12" Resin Orisha Obatala Statue

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  14. Orisha ochun statue 6 inch

    New Orisha Oshun Statue 10"


    This new 10" Oshun statue represents the beautiful and benevolent Orisha of Love, Life, Marriage, Sex and Money.

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  15. LG1323 12 1 90645

    New Orisha Oshun Statue 12"


    This 12" resin Oshun statue is the perfect size for any altar or living space. Petition Oshun - the beautiful and benevolent Orisha - in matters of...

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