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Cornsilk is a versatile herb that brings prosperity, abundance, and good luck. It can be used in spellwork for financial stability, harvest, and success, sprinkled around the home or workplace, added to charm bags, woven into dreamcatchers, burned as incense, or carried with you to attract financial stability and success.

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Cornsilk is a versatile herb that is commonly used in spiritual and ritual practices for its ability to bring prosperity, abundance, and good luck. It can be added to spellwork related to financial stability, harvest, and success. An infusion of Cornsilk can be sprinkled around the home or workplace to attract positive energy and abundance. It can also be added to charm bags, woven into dreamcatchers, or burned as incense to enhance its energy and bring prosperity and good luck. Additionally, carrying Cornsilk with you or keeping it in your wallet can attract financial stability and success.

  • Cut available in 1oz, 1/2lb & 1lb quantities