The Seven African Powers: The Most Powerful Orishas
The seven Orishas who are the Seven African Powers rule over all things humans need including love, fertility, power, justice, healing, and...
Burn our 7 Day 7 African Powers (Siete Potencias Africanas) Candle to invoke the almighty powers of the 7 African Orishas. May they bring you love, money, luck, and peace of mind. Our 7 African Powers Candle depicts in detail each of the 7 African Powers. For extra strength place a few drops of our 7 African Powers oil on top of the candle as it burns.
Elegua (Eleggua): Known as the guardian of crossroads and pathways, Elegua is considered the opener of doors and the messenger between humans and the Orishas. He is often honored first in rituals and ceremonies.
Obatala: Obatala is regarded as the creator of human bodies and the source of wisdom and purity. He symbolizes peace, moral values, and the importance of right action.
Yemaya (Yemoja): Yemaya is the Orisha of the ocean, motherhood, and fertility. She is associated with nurturing, emotional healing, and protective energies.
Oshun (Ochun): Oshun is the Orisha of love, beauty, and abundance. She is connected to sensuality, creativity, and the flow of rivers and fresh water.
Shango (Chango): Shango is the Orisha of thunder, fire, and justice. He represents strength, courage, leadership, and masculine energy.
Oya: Oya is the Orisha of storms, wind, and transformation. She embodies the power of change, fierce protection, and feminine strength.
Ogun: Ogun is the Orisha of iron, warfare, and technology. He symbolizes strength, determination, and the forging of destiny.
The Seven African Powers are revered and called upon for various purposes, including protection, guidance, healing, and manifestation of desires. They represent different aspects of life and possess unique energies and qualities that individuals seek to align with in their spiritual practices.