Lungwort magical herb 03128

Lungwort Leaves


Lungwort is a plant with a rich history of medicinal use, dating back to the medieval period when it was used to treat the plague. Today, it is primarily used to treat lung illnesses and is associated with the element of air, making it a common ingredient in spells focused on the lungs, travel, communication, and divination.

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Lungwort is a plant that has a rich history of medicinal use, dating back to the medieval period. During this time, it was one of the few herbs that were used in attempts to cure the devastating plague that swept across Europe. Despite its long history of usage, today lungwort is more specialized in its medicinal use and is primarily utilized to treat illnesses affecting the lungs.

In addition to its medicinal properties, lungwort is also associated with the element of air and is one of the most commonly used herbs in healing spells focused on the lungs. This versatile herb can be confidently used in any type of spell work related to the element of air, including spells for safe travel by plane, improved communication, and divination. Lungwort is typically sold in one ounce quantities, making it a convenient and accessible ingredient for use in a wide range of spells and rituals.

  • Cut Leaves available in 1oz, 1/2lb & 1lb quantities