The Magical Uses of the Rue Plant
Rue herb, also known as "Ruda" in Spanish, is a versatile herb that has been used for centuries in spiritual and ritual practices. It is believed to have the power to cleanse and purify spaces and objects and is often used in rituals and ceremonies to create a protective barrier around individuals or homes. In addition, rue is often used to break curses and hexes, and is also thought to possess the ability to attract love and good luck.
Rue In Santeria, Hoodoo, and West-African Religions
In Santeria, Hoodoo, and other West-African traditional religions, Rue is commonly used for protection and cleansing. It's believed to have the power to ward off negative energy and malevolent spirits. It's also associated with the orishas and is used in rituals and ceremonies to create a protective barrier around individuals or homes.
Santeria rituals generally consist of four elements: stones, cowrie shells, water, and herbs. The santeros or priests are herbalists who can use plants and herbs to treat a variety of illnesses. All plants are associated with at least one Orisha.
Rue is one of the more popular plants a santero will use in purification rituals. In cleansing ceremonies called despojos, the plants will be tied together in bunches and rubbed on a person. Rue is often an ingredient in purifying baths used to rid the bather of evil spirits or negative influences.
Rue is often used in herbal infusions, which are used to cleanse and purify objects, spaces, and people. It's also used in the form of incense, which is burned during spiritual ceremonies, and rituals, or to purify spaces and objects. The smoke is believed to have the power to cleanse and purify the environment and to ward off negative energy.
Rue is also used to make oils, perfumes, and soaps that are believed to have the power to cleanse and purify objects, spaces, and people, and to ward off negative energy.
Rue In Pagan, Wiccan, and Folk Magic Traditions
In the Pagan religion, Wicca, and in Folk Magic, Rue is commonly used for protection, banishing negative energy, and as a protection herb against curses, hexes, and the Evil Eye. It is associated with the planets Mars and Saturn and the element fire as well as the goddesses Hecate and Diana. Within these traditions, rue is used in rituals and spells that involve protection, banishing, and exorcism, and to purify and cleanse spaces, tools, and personal items.
Rue is also used to make protective charms and amulets, and it's also often added to incense blends for purification and protection. Additionally, Rue is also used to anoint candles and other items used in spells and rituals. It is also used to make a tea that is said to have a calming effect and help with protection.
Rue also has a long history associated with witches. It is said that a witch can use rue to protect and strengthen her aura and promote health, concentration, and love. Rue also has a strong scent that cats typically find repugnant, and since cats have historically been associated with witches, rue has been used as a talisman to ward off witches since the Middle Ages.

Rue is considered a powerful herb for spiritual protection and for warding off negative energies
Using Rue Herb For Spiritual Cleansing and Purification
Rue is a powerful herb that has been used for centuries in spiritual and ritual practices for cleansing and purification. The process of using rue as a herbal infusion is simple and straightforward. It involves steeping the dried or fresh rue leaves in hot water for a few minutes and then using the resulting infusion to cleanse and purify a variety of items or people. The infusion can be used to cleanse and purify ritual objects such as crystals, tarot cards, and other items that are commonly used in spiritual practices. The infusion can also be used to purify and cleanse talismans and amulets, which are believed to provide spiritual protection.
Furthermore, the infusion can be used as a protective wash, especially for the head, face, and hands. This is believed to ward off harmful energy and dark forces, and to provide spiritual protection. The infusion can also be used to cleanse and purify spaces, such as homes, altars, and other places where spiritual practices take place. This infusion is commonly used in Santeria, Wicca, and other African traditional religions, as well as other spiritual practices.
In addition to the infusion, rue is also commonly used in the form of incense, which is burned during spiritual ceremonies, and rituals, or to purify spaces and objects. The smoke is believed to have the power to cleanse and purify the environment and to ward off negative energy. It's also used to make oils and perfumes that are believed to have the power to cleanse and purify objects, spaces, and people, and to ward off negative energy.
Rue's ability to purify and cleanse is due to its natural properties that are believed to have a purifying effect on the body, mind and spirit. It's considered a powerful herb for spiritual protection and for warding off negative energies. It's important to note that before using any of these rue products you should check for any potential allergic reactions or sensitivities as rue can be a skin irritant for some people. With proper use and respect, rue can be a valuable addition to any spiritual practice.
Using Rue Herb For Protection
Rue is also often used as a talisman for protection in many spiritual and religious practices, particularly in Santeria, Wicca, and other African traditional religions. A talisman is a small object or symbol that is believed to have spiritual power and provide protection against all forms of evil. Rue is commonly included in the preparation of talismans.
The process of creating a talisman with rue is simple, it can be dried rue leaves or fresh rue leaves, which can be wrapped in a small piece of cloth or parchment, or place inside a mojo bag, and then tied with a string or ribbon.
The talisman can then be worn as a necklace or carried in a pocket. It can also be placed in a specific area of the house or in a sacred space. The talisman can be used to protect the person who carries it, and it can also be used to purify and cleanse the area where it is placed.
The power of the talisman lies in the intention of the person who creates it, and it's believed that the talisman will work as long as the person who created it continues to believe in its power.
Within the Wiccan tradition, rue is often used in rituals and ceremonies associated with the sabbats of Beltane, Litha, and Mabon. During Beltane, rue is commonly used in love, protection, and prosperity spells, and is often gathered as part of the ritual of collecting the first herbs of the season. Litha is a time for celebrating passion, work, and success, and is also a favorable time for casting protection and love spells. Herbs harvested during Litha are believed to enhance the power of magic spells. Mabon, which celebrates the autumn equinox, is a good time for casting protection spells.
Rue is a common ingredient in protection magic, and is often mixed with spring water and sprinkled around the home to remove negative energy or invite peaceful vibrations. A bag of rue placed above the front door is believed to ward off the evil eye. It is also used as an ingredient in an herbal protection bath, along with salt, basil, rosemary, lavender, and mint. The Wiccan visualizes their body absorbing the protective energies of the plants while bathing and then discards the remaining water outside as a form of protection.

Rue is often used in herbal infusions and incense, as well as oils, perfumes, and candles.
Using Rue Herb For Luck, Money, and Love
Rue is not only known for its protective properties, but it also has a long history of being used in rituals and spells related to luck, money, and love. In many spiritual and religious traditions, rue is believed to have the power to attract good luck and prosperity, and is often used in spells and rituals to draw money and financial abundance.
One popular way of using rue for money spells is to mix dried rue with other herbs, such as cinnamon and mint, and carry it in a small bag or pouch. The pouch can be carried with you at all times, or it can be placed in a specific area of the house, such as the wealth corner, to attract financial abundance.
Rue is also believed to have the power to attract love and passion and is often used in spells and rituals for love and relationships. One popular way of using rue for love spells is to mix dried rue with other herbs, such as rose petals and lavender, and burn the mixture as incense during love rituals or spells.
Additionally, some people use rue in the form of an oil or perfumes, which can be worn or used to anoint candles and other items used in love spells and rituals. It is also believed that rue can be used in spells to strengthen existing relationships and promote commitment and loyalty.
Different Ways To Use Rue In Rituals
Rue is a versatile herb commonly used in spiritual and ritual practices for protection and cleansing. It's often used in herbal infusions and incense, as well as oils, perfumes, and candles. In spiritual baths and floor washes, rue is used to cleanse and purify the body and environment.
Rue candles are believed to provide spiritual protection and ward off negative energy. In spellwork and magic, rue candles can be inscribed with specific symbols or words.
Since rue can be a skin irritant for some people, you should check for any potential allergic reactions or sensitivities before using it.
The Proper Disposal of Rue After a Ritual
One way to respectfully dispose of rue after a ritual or ceremony is by burying it in the earth. This allows the plant to return to its natural cycle and is a way to show gratitude and respect to the plant for its spiritual properties.
Another way to dispose of rue is by burning it, however, it's important to be mindful of the local laws and regulations, and to burn it in a safe and controlled environment. This can also be done as an offering to the orishas or other spiritual entities, the smoke is believed to have the power to cleanse and purify the environment and to ward off negative energy.