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  1. Fresh abre camino fresh herb 30429

    Fresh Abre Camino Plant

    Starting at $5.95

    The Abre Camino plant is by far the most widely known herb in spirituality. Espiritistas use the herb/plant as well as those who practice Santeria....

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  2. Alamo fresh herb 62630

    Fresh Alamo Plant

    Starting at $5.95

    The Alamo plant is very sacred to the Orishas Shango and Ochosi. It is used in many spiritual baths to provide protection and remove any unwanted...

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  3. Albaca fresh herb 57666

    Fresh Albaca Plant

    Starting at $5.95

    The Albaca plant (Basil-Ocimum Basilicum) is also known as Our Herb Honored by Saint Joseph. This masculine herb with its fire element can be used...

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  4. Algodon fresh herb 53044

    Fresh Algodon Plant

    Starting at $5.95

    The Algodon plant (Cotton leaves) is great for use in purification spells, amulets, or cleansing of the home. Many devotees of St. Clair, Virgen...

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  5. Almacigo fresh herb 07894

    Fresh Almacigo Plant

    Starting at $5.95

    The Almagico plants are used to promote Spiritual Cleansing. Mix it with as many different types of water as you can (Rain Water, Sea Water, Lake...

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  6. Almendra fresh herb 13974

    Fresh Almendra Plant

    Starting at $5.95

    The Almendra plant can be used for a variety of things. With its sweet components you can add this herb to your love amulets and love baths. The...

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  7. Altamisa fresh fresh herb 89542

    Fresh Altamisa Plant

    Starting at $5.95

    The Altamisa plant (Mugwort) is used by many Spiritualists in their work, especially devotees of Yemaya. This herb can be used to purify alters,...

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  8. Amansa guapo fresh herb 93684

    Fresh Amansa Guapo Plant

    Starting at $5.95

    The Amansa Guapo plant is a well-known herb in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Island. This tree shrub can be extracted and used as an oil, or perfume,...

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  9. Apazote fresh herb 17983

    Fresh Apazote Plant

    Starting at $5.95

    The Apazote (Jerusalem Oak) plant is great to help remove negative forces from the body, home, and workplace. Its primary use is as a cleanser but...

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  10. Arrasa con todo fresh herb 47376

    Fresh Arrasa Con Todo Plant

    Starting at $5.95

    The Arrasa Con Todo plant is widely used to cast away any evil energies or negative spiritual influances. Apart from its use in spiritual baths,...

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  11. Bleo blanco fresh herb 30121

    Fresh Bleo Blanco Plant

    Starting at $5.95

    Bleo Blanco is very well known in Santeria or any of the African Traditional Religious systems. It is owned by Obatala and can be used for...

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  12. Ceiba fresh herb 91613

    Fresh Ceiba Plant

    Starting at $5.95

    The Ceiba plant is believed to hold spiritual and supernatural powers. In some religions, especially Santeria/ Palo/Quimbanda this plant holds...

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  13. Espanta muerto fresh herb 93981

    Fresh Espanta Muerto Plant

    Starting at $5.95

    The Espanta Muerto plant (Aberikolo in Lucumi) (False Daisy bush or Tattoo Plant in English) has been known in the spiritual networks to work...

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  14. Guayaba fresh herb 29427

    Fresh Guayaba Plant

    Starting at $5.95

    The Guayaba plant has astringent and antiseptic properties. For spiritual use you can use in cleansing rituals and add to sweetening baths. Many...

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  15. Helecho fresh herb 83644

    Fresh Helecho Plant

    Starting at $5.95

    The Helecho plant grows along streams, lakes, and wet meadowlands. Lecho de Rio in Spanish means the bottom (bed) of the river. You can use this...

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