Angels, Spirits & Guides Banishing Evil Spirits and Exorcising Demons Evil spirits and demons can wreak all kinds of havoc in your life, but you do not need to suffer their presence
Spells & Rituals Powerful Rituals For Banishing Evil For Good With these rituals, you can remove evil from your home, job, self, and anything you own.
Spells & Rituals Best Spells For Banishing Negative People and Evil Spirits Banishing is one of the most useful skills anyone can learn. Once you know it, you can apply it to any negative person, place, or situation in your...
Spells & Rituals How To Cleanse Your Home From The Evil Eye Lulu shows you step-by-step how to cleanse your home from jealousy, envy, negativity, and the evil eye.
Herb Magic Tobacco Spells For Banishing and Domination Tobacco is a powerful, sacred herb that should be treated with respect. Try incorporating it into your spells, and see how well it works for you.
Amulets & Talismans How To Bless and Dress Evil Eye Talismans Lulu shows you how to bless and dress evil eye talismans with dressing oil and prayer to gain maximum protection from jealousy and envy.