Recognizing Signs From Spirits and Angels
Have you ever experienced something that just couldn't be explained? Maybe you walked into your house and suddenly smelled your grandma's famous sauce, even though she's been gone for years and no one's cooking it? Or have you ever found a white feather in the most random of places? These might just be signs from your loved ones and angels trying to communicate with you.
Many of us lead busy lives and often miss the little signs that our ancestors and angels are trying to guide us. But don't worry, we're here to help you recognize some of the most common ways they might be trying to reach you.
Most Common Signs From Angels and Spirits
Want to know the signs that your guardian angels are trying to reach out to you? Check out these common symbols they may use to get your attention.
White Feathers
Feathers are a classic sign that spirits are around and watching over you. If you find a white feather, it's a clear message from your angel that they're always near and supporting you. Feathers can appear in response to a question or worry, or as a validation or marker.
To connect with a spirit, place the feather on an altar with a spiritual candle. The candle is a vehicle for communication between worlds, and if you're asking for guidance, it can help speed up the response.
Coins are a big deal because they represent love and support. If you find a coin in an odd place, it means that you'll find aid and assistance where you need it. It's a sign that your angels and loved ones are there to comfort you, especially during tough times.
A coin can also give you an extraordinary impression of anything that may seem normal. So, take note of where you were when you found it and if the date on the coin holds any significance to you. To boost the coin's effect, place it near a burning candle and incense that attracts prosperity. You can also carry charms, talismans, or specific spiritual jewelry to accentuate the coin's effect.
Did you know that spirits and angels may use animals to send us messages and guidance? Can you imagine seeing a specific bird or animal repeatedly and interpreting it as a sign from the spiritual realm? How cool would that be?
But, it's important to remember that nature and animals are powerful symbols that can be interpreted in many different ways. It depends on the person and their unique beliefs, culture, and experiences. For example, seeing a white owl at night can be a sign of wisdom and guidance for some, but for others, it might be a symbol of death. So, when interpreting these signs, it's important to keep an open mind and approach it with empathy and wisdom.
Also, let's not forget that animals and nature have their own lives and should be respected. So, while it's fun to try and interpret their behavior as messages for us, let's not project our own expectations or desires onto them. Instead, let's just enjoy observing and being inspired by nature.
Many people believe that clouds can also be a sign of spirits and angels. Clouds come in many shapes and forms, and each can carry a different message. For example, seeing a heart-shaped cloud may be a sign of love and affection from a loved one who has passed away. A cloud in the shape of an angel may be a sign that your angels are watching over you and guiding you.
It's important to pay attention to the shape of the cloud, as well as the context in which it appears. For example, if you see a cloud in the shape of an angel while you're going through a difficult time, it may be a sign that your angels are with you and offering support.

Seeing repeated numbers or sequences of numbers can also be a sign from spirits and angels.
Seeing repeated numbers or sequences of numbers can also be a sign from spirits and angels. Numbers like 11:11, 12:12, and 444 are often considered particularly significant. These angel numbers can appear on clocks, license plates, phone numbers, and other places. It's a message from your angels and guides that they're with you and you're on the right path.
Most Common Physical Sensations From Angels and Spirits
Physical sensations such as goosebumps, shivers, or sudden heat can also be signs from spirits and angels. These sensations can often occur during meditation, prayer, or other spiritual practices. They can also occur in response to a certain event or person. Pay attention to where on your body the sensation occurs and what you were thinking or feeling at the time.
Ringing in the Ears
Ringing in the ears is often seen as a sign from spirits and angels. Some people believe that ringing in the ear is a sign that a spirit or angel is trying to communicate with you, and that the louder the ringing, the more urgent the message.
Ringing in the ear can also be a sign that your angels are trying to guide you toward a particular decision or action. If you're unsure of what the ringing means, try meditating or journaling to receive more clarity.
It's important to note that ringing in the ear can also be caused by other factors such as tinnitus or other medical conditions, so it's always good to consult with a medical professional if you are experiencing persistent or severe ringing in the ear.
Smells are one of the most common ways that the recently deceased try to communicate with us. If you smell a loved one's perfume, favorite soap, or tobacco out of nowhere, it's a sign that they're near and trying to comfort you. Angels also leave scents, especially of flowers. To answer back, try burning incense or using a special oil. Smoke helps to carry thoughts and prayers, and smudging can help relieve a spirit that's "stuck" in an area.

If your dream feels vivid, set in a plain room filled with light, and is straightforward, it's probably a visit from an angel or spirit.
Dreams can be a powerful way for spirits and angels to communicate with us. If your dream feels vivid, set in a plain room filled with light, and is straightforward, it's probably a visit from them. Pay attention to the message or guidance they're giving you, and consider journaling your dreams to better understand their significance. You can also use a dream dictionary to help you interpret the symbols that you're seeing in your dreams. Lucid dreaming can also be a way to communicate with spirits and angels, where you are aware that you're dreaming and can control it to some extent.
Light Fluctuations
Spirits and angels may also communicate through changes in light or energy. This can be seen as orbs, flashes of light, or even a sudden change in the room's atmosphere. Seeing a bright light or orb may be a sign that a spirit or angel is present and trying to communicate with you.
Why Do Angels and Spirits Try to Communicate with Us?
Angels and spirits may try to communicate with us for a variety of reasons. One of the main reasons is to offer guidance and support on our journey through life. They may have important messages or advice that can help us navigate difficult situations or make important decisions. They may also offer comfort and reassurance during times of grief or loss.
Another reason for communication is to let us know that they are still with us and watching over us. They may want to let us know that they are still a part of our lives, even though they are no longer physically present.
They may also communicate with us to help us heal from past traumas or negative experiences. They may offer guidance on how to release old patterns or negative beliefs that are holding us back.
It's also important to note that not all communication from spirits or angels is for our own benefit, sometimes they may want to communicate with us to help them with their own journey. They may be seeking closure, forgiveness, or help in moving on.
Ultimately, the reasons for communication will be unique to each individual and their own personal experiences. Remember to approach these signs with an open mind and an empathetic and wise perspective, and to seek guidance from a trusted spiritual advisor or practitioner if needed.
How to Receive Messages from Angels and Spirits
One way to increase your chances of receiving messages from angels and spirits is through meditation. Meditation can be a powerful tool for communicating with the spiritual realm by quieting the mind and opening yourself to guidance. When meditating, it's important to approach it with an open mind and a clear intention of what you want to receive from the spirits or angels.
Another way to receive messages is to pay attention to your intuition and gut feelings. Trusting your intuition and following your inner guidance can lead you to the messages and signs that angels and spirits are sending you.
Keeping a dream journal is also a great way to receive messages from the spiritual realm. Dreams can be a powerful way for spirits and angels to communicate with us, writing down your dreams can help you to better understand the messages they are giving you.
It's also important to keep an open mind and be aware of the signs and symbols that are around you in your everyday life. It could be a song that keeps playing on the radio or a certain color or number that keeps appearing in your life. Paying attention to these signs can help you to better understand the messages that are being sent to you.
Additionally, connecting with nature and spending time in nature can also help you to receive messages from angels and spirits. Nature is a powerful and ancient symbol that can be interpreted in many ways, and by spending time in nature, you can open yourself to receive messages from the spiritual realm.
Overall, the key to receiving messages from angels and spirits is to approach them with an open mind, be aware of the signs and symbols around you and trust your intuition. Remember that the messages may not always be clear and immediate, be patient and trust that the guidance you need will come to you at the right time.
Interpreting Signs from Spirits and Angels
It's important to remember that the signs and symbols from spirits and angels can have different meanings and significance depending on the person and their unique experiences. It's important to use discernment and seek guidance from a trusted spiritual advisor or practitioner when interpreting them.
Additionally, it's important to keep in mind that spirits and angels may not always give us the answers we want or expect. Sometimes the message may be a reminder to trust in the journey and have faith.
By learning to recognize and interpret the signs from spirits and angels, we can deepen our connection with the spiritual realm and receive guidance and support on our journey. So, the next time you smell grandma's sauce or find a coin in a random place, remember to keep an open mind and pay attention, it just might be a sign from above.