Horsetial herb

Horsetail Herb (Cola de Caballo)

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Horsetail herb is a commonly used ingredient in spiritual practices due to its strong connection to the earth and its energy-absorbing abilities. It is utilized in spells and rituals for physical healing and grounding, added to mojo bags and sachets for stability and protection, and burned as incense to promote clarity of mind and spiritual insight.

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Horsetail herb is a versatile and powerful ingredient for spiritual practices. With its strong connection to the earth and its ability to absorb and channel energy, Horsetail is often used in spells and rituals for physical healing and grounding. It can also be added to mojo bags and sachets for stability and protection. When burned as incense, Horsetail can promote clarity of mind and enhance spiritual insight. This herb is associated with the element of earth and the planet Saturn, making it an ideal ingredient for stability and grounding spells. Its unique properties make Horsetail a must-have in any spiritual practice and a potent tool for manifesting one's desires.

Here is a ritual that incorporates Horsetail herb:

  1. Gather your supplies: Horsetail herb, a green candle, a lighter or matches, a fireproof surface, and a quiet space where you will not be disturbed.
  2. Cleanse and purify the space: Light some sage or palo santo to clear the energy in the room.
  3. Ground yourself: Take a few deep breaths, visualize roots growing from the soles of your feet and connecting you to the earth.
  4. Set your intention: Think about what you want to achieve through this ritual and hold that intention in your mind.
  5. Light the green candle: Light the green candle and let it burn for a few moments. Green is associated with growth, healing, and stability, making it the perfect color for this ritual.
  6. Sprinkle the Horsetail herb around the candle: Use the Horsetail herb to create a circle of protection around the candle.
  7. Meditate: Sit quietly and focus on the candle flame. Visualize yourself surrounded by grounding and protective energy. Hold your intention in your mind and repeat a mantra or affirmation to reinforce it.
  8. Extinguish the candle: When you are ready, blow out the candle.
  9. Close the ritual: Thank the elements and any spiritual entities you believe in for their help and guidance. Store the remaining Horsetail herb in a safe place for future use.

This ritual can be performed as needed to promote grounding and stability in your life.

  • Cut Leaves available in 1oz, 1/2lb & 1lb quantities