Tobacco Spells For Banishing and Domination
Tobacco is a powerful, sacred herb that should be treated with respect. Try incorporating it into your spells, and see how well it works for you.
Also commonly known as Follow Me Boy or Follow Me Girl Oil, Follow Me (Sigueme) Oil is a magical oil that can be used to bind your lover to you. Use it in a variety of love, control, and domination spells, wear it on your body, or anoint your lover's possessions to bind them to you alone.
Follow Me Oil is an old, traditional Hoodoo conjure oil that has been used by many to attract and keep their lovers loyal, faithful, and committed to them only. If you're looking for a way to control and dominate your partner or spouse, Follow Me Oil might be the perfect solution.
Anoint some of your love interest's personal items, such as underwear or socks, with your intention. Place the item in your yard and bury it. Pour a little of your anointing oil into your bath water or over a pink or red candle. You can also fill a bowl with roses, cinnamon, and lavender, then pour some Follow Me Boy Oil over the top and place it under your bed.