Ball blueing anil modamo blue balls
Ball blueing

Ball Bluing - Blue Balls - Añil Madamo


Ball Blueing - also known as Bluing Balls, Blue Balls, Añil Modamo, or Añil Bluestone - is used for luck in gambling, spirit work, cleansing, protection, as well as laundry blueing.

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Ball Blueing - also known as Bluing Balls, Blue Balls, Añil Modamo, or Añil Bluestone - is used for luck in gambling, spirit work, cleansing, protection, as well as laundry blueing. Available in 1 oz and 1 lb quantities.

Ways To Use Ball Blueing

  • Take 5 Blue Balls and add them to a bucket of mop water along with Florida Water and Holy Water and use it clear the house of negativity when mopping prior to spiritual work.
  • Protect from negativity by placing Blueing Balls under your bed or in corners of your home.
  • Cleanse with a mixture of a 5 Blue Balls, 1 tbsp crushed Alum, and Hyssop in your bath
  • Wrap five balls in a cloth and add to your laundry to whiten and purify clothing.
  • Dissolve five balls in a bowl of water. Place the bowl under your bed to cleanse and purify your surroundings.
  • Boost gambling luck by carrying a Blueing Ball, 9 Chamomile flowers, and a Lucky Hand Root in a red flannel mojo bag
  • Invite positive energy and repel negativity by dissolving a Blueing Ball in a bowl of water on your altar.