Obatala: The Orisha Who Created The Sky and Mankind
Obatala, meaning king of the white cloth, is the eldest of all Orishas. Seen as the quintessential father figure, Obatala watches over all younger Orishas. He is revered as the king of kings and the creator of all mankind. Under the power of his father Olorun, Obatala created the Earth and all of the living things that inhabit it. He is the Orisha of leadership, knowledge, justice, those who are handicapped, and the military.
Once a strong warrior who witnessed terrible acts of violence, this patient and compassionate deity provides kindness to those who pray to him. Obatala presides over the other Orishas and intervenes in their arguments and disagreements. He is widely respected as a fair and patient judge. Obatala is married to Yemana, the goddess of the ocean, and is the father to many Orishas.
Obatala’s Appearance and Symbols
Always dressed in white, Obatala represents purity and calmness. White is considered the most sacred of all of the colors in Santeria, as it symbolizes Obatala. His unwavering dedication to truth and clarity is symbolized by his all-white attire. He is portrayed as an older man in white robes holding a staff or torch. Mountains, hills, and other high places are favorites of this Orisha. He finds clarity and pureness of thought by connecting to nature high above the distractions of everyday life.
Obatala is the only Orisha who has both masculine and feminine qualities. There are, therefore, some female depictions of Obatala. The Christian image of Our Lady of Mercy is linked to and associated with the female form of the Orisha Obatala.

Obatala has both masculine and feminine qualities, so there are some female depictions of Obatala.
Obatala’s Colors and Symbols
Obatala is most often associated with the color white, reflecting his traits of purity, wisdom, and peace. His robes, objects, and even food offerings are traditionally white, symbolizing his cleansing and balancing nature.
Obatala's sacred objects consist of items that reflect his association with wisdom, purity, and peace. This includes a silver or white metal crown, signifying his royal status and his connection to clarity and brightness. A white dove, a universal symbol of peace, is also one of Obatala's symbols, often seen depicted with him or on his altar.
His key object is the "Opaxoro" or staff, often made of silver or another white metal. This staff represents his authority and the ability to guide his followers on the right path. It is also seen as a tool he uses to enforce justice.
A ritual object associated with Obatala is the "Igba Iwa", a calabash that houses the "Emi" (the soul). This represents his role as the creator of mankind and the shaper of our destiny.
Obatala's Eleke (sacred necklace) is typically made from white beads, again emphasizing his association with purity and clarity. It serves as a form of protection and a way for his followers to carry his essence with them.
Silver is often associated with Obatala because of its color and its symbolic representation of clarity, purity, and brilliance. Items like a silver bowl, silver bells, or other silver objects are often found on his altar, symbolizing the light and clarity he brings to the world.
The Obatala egg symbolizes purity and is used in rituals and spiritual practices associated with Obatala. It can be placed on an altar dedicated to Obatala, carried as a talisman, or used in divination practices. It serves as a powerful spiritual reminder of Obatala's presence and influence.
Obatala's Symbols in Nature Obatala is also associated with high places such as mountains and hills, symbolizing his ability to see all things from a place of higher understanding. Snails, associated with slow, steady progress and patience, are also connected to Obatala.
Obatala’s Sacred Numbers and Day
The sacred numbers associated with Obatala are 8 and 16. These numbers are considered especially important and are frequently incorporated in rituals, offerings, and ceremonies involving Obatala. The reason for these particular numbers is deeply rooted in Yoruba numerology and tradition.
The number 8 is associated with balance, harmony, and justice, reflecting Obatala's role as a judge and peacemaker. It also symbolizes the infinite, tying into Obatala's role as the timeless creator and shaper of humans.
The number 16 is tied to the sixteen principal Odu in Ifa divination system, a central aspect of Yoruba tradition. This symbolizes Obatala's close relationship with Orunmila, the Orisha of wisdom and divination, and underscores the importance of wisdom and understanding in human life.
Sunday is traditionally associated with Obatala. This day is considered the first day of the week in many cultures, a beginning, mirroring Obatala's role as the creator. It is a day often dedicated to worship, reflection, and spiritual pursuits, aligning with Obatala's association with spirituality, wisdom, and peace.
Devotees of Obatala might choose to make offerings, perform rituals, or dedicate prayers to him on Sundays to honor him and seek his guidance and protection.

In the Yoruba tradition, Obatala and Yemaya, the goddess of the sea and motherhood, are seen as a divine married couple.
Obatala’s Connection To the Other Orishas
Obatala, the divine sculptor and creator of mankind, holds significant connections with many Orishas. For instance, he shares a deep bond with Orula, the Orisha of wisdom and divination, showing a profound interplay between creation and fate.
In the Yoruba tradition, Obatala and Yemaya, the goddess of the sea and motherhood, are seen as a divine married couple. Their harmonious bond symbolizes the beautiful balance between the calm sky and the nurturing sea, merging wisdom and creation with protection and care. This spiritual union serves as a guiding example of unity, mutual respect, and complementary forces working together. Their devotees often invoke both Obatala and Yemaya in their prayers and rituals to seek a well-rounded array of blessings.
Among Obatala's relations, Oshun and Shango, the goddess of love and the god of thunder, respectively, stand out. Oshun reflects Obatala's gentler side with her influence over love and beauty, while Shango, despite his fiery nature, shares with Obatala a deep commitment to justice and righteousness.
Obatala's relations with the other Orishas reflect the harmony in the universe as embodied in the Yoruba religion. Each Orisha complements the others, highlighting the interconnectedness of all elements of creation. Obatala's role emphasizes unity, wisdom, and tranquility, which resonates throughout this divine community.
Creating an Altar and Making Offerings to Obatala
Honoring Obatala can be an uplifting and deeply spiritual experience. As the Orisha of purity, wisdom, and creation, Obatala appreciates offerings that mirror his essence. A dedicated space or altar in your home can serve as a tangible focal point for expressing your gratitude, seeking guidance, or making requests.
Obatala's Favorite Food Offerings
Offerings made to Obatala should follow the rules of purity that this Orisha embodies. He favors bland, white foods, such as meringue, rice, coconut, cocoa butter, white yams, and eggs.
Other favorite foods include pounded yam, eko (a Nigerian dish made from corn), and white fruits like melons or pears. A favorite sweet for Obatala is a tapioca pudding known as eko tutu. Do not, under any circumstances, offer Obatala alcohol. Salty and spicy foods are also no-nos for his altar.
Other Items To Offer Obatala
Beyond food, there are other items considered pleasing to Obatala. White cloth, representing purity and peace, is appreciated, as well as white beads or an Obatala Egg are often used in Obatala's worship. Silver is favored over other metals, as it represents clarity and brightness.
Finally, a simple yet meaningful offering can be cool, clean water, signifying Obatala's calming influence. Remember, the offerings are a symbol of your commitment and respect, so present them with an open heart and sincere intentions.
Praying to Obatala
Obatala prefers his offerings be made on Sunday. Decorate his altar with a sacred crown or dove-handled bell, representing his status as a king and his belief in purity and justice. A white peace and wisdom candle or 7 Day Obatala Orisha candle can also be placed on his shrine. Anoint the candle with good luck oil or justice oil and recite the following prayer...
King of kings, I call you
Your kingdom is heaven
Your glory hope
Your faith and charity bonanza
Father of All Saints
Father of all the good, all in white
Your peace, an emblem of trust
Always Give me wisdom to understand what I cannot
Give me the right words for those who will listen
Patience and resignation, in order to cope
The peace of mind
When anger wants to be my counselor and friend
Your blessing I will bear
By day and in my sleep
I trust your wing, your protective mantle
Trust your power, sovereign redeemer.
Obatala is often prayed to by those dealing with court cases and legal matters. Wear an Obatala bracelet or Obatala necklace when heading to court to keep his protection and guidance close to you. Carry his prayer card in your wallet or pocketbook and read it to reaffirm and focus your dedication.
Always remember that Obatala aids the innocent and punishes the guilty. Be sure that your intentions are pure when praying to this powerful Orisha, as you will suffer the consequences of your guilt if you are not being truthful. Call upon Obatala to guide you through your difficulties and strengthen your resolve in times of hardship or uncertainty.

Call upon Obatala to guide you through your difficulties and strengthen your resolve in times of hardship or uncertainty.
Rituals and Spells to Unlock The Blessings of Obatala
Unlock the blessings of wisdom, justice, and tranquility with the help of Obatala! These rituals and spells are intended to help you connect with this divine Orisha and call upon his benevolent energy.
An Obatala Spell for Wisdom and Clarity
Obatala's guidance can help you through difficult decisions. Start by lighting an Obatala Orisha Candle on your altar. Before this, place a dish with Sage Oil. As the candle burns, express your situation aloud and ask Obatala for wisdom and clarity. Then, recite the following prayer...
Obatala, Orisha of creation, wisdom, and understanding, guide my thoughts and actions. Illuminate the path before me and grant me the clarity to see the way forward. May your wisdom be my beacon in the darkness, leading me toward truth and enlightenment. Ashe.
Carry an Obatala Prayer Card or wear an Obatala beaded necklace as a sign of your dedication and to serve as a constant reminder of the wisdom you seek.
An Obatala Ritual for Justice
If you find yourself in a situation where justice seems lost, Obatala can aid in bringing balance. Create an altar featuring an image or statue of Obatala. Light an Obatala Orisha Candle, and as it burns, clearly state your wish for justice aloud, then recite the following prayer...
Obatala, embodiment of fairness, I call upon your sense of justice and balance. As you crafted humanity with fairness in your heart, guide me to achieve justice in my situation. Let righteousness prevail and truth shine brightly. Grant me the strength to fight for what is right. Ashe.
Write your request on some sheepskin parchment paper, fold it, and place it under the candle. Wear an Obatala bracelet as a token of your quest for justice.
An Obatala Ritual for Peace and Tranquility
To invite serenity and peace into your life, start by cleansing your space with Florida Water Cologne. Light an Obatala Orisha Candle on your altar and burn some sandalwood incense. As the incense permeates your space, meditate on your desire for peace, imagining tranquility flooding your life. Say the following prayer aloud…
Obatala, calming Orisha, I seek your tranquility. Let your peaceful energy envelop my being, silence the noise, and calm the storm within. Bring serenity to my spirit, harmony to my heart, and peace to my mind. Ashe.
Conclude your ritual by taking a bath using 7 African Powers Bath & Floor Wash, letting the peaceful energy of Obatala wash over you.
Invoking the Serene Strength of Obatala: Our Journey's End
As we wrap up our exploration of Obatala, we recognize that this noble Orisha embodies wisdom, clarity, and tranquility — virtues that can bring calmness and understanding into our chaotic lives. Through rituals, offerings, and heartfelt prayers, we can invite his serene energy into our everyday existence, fostering harmony within and around us.
In respecting and acknowledging Obatala, we connect with a divine aspect of ourselves, one that seeks truth, wisdom, and a peaceful path through life. Let's embrace this journey, and with the blessings of Obatala, may we be guided toward a world rich in tranquility and understanding. Ashe-O!