Obatala: The Orisha Who Created The Sky and Mankind
Explore the realm of the Orisha Obatala, and uncover rituals, prayers, and offerings to foster serenity, insight, wisdom, and enlightenment in your...
Burn our 7 Day Orisha Obatala candle for guidance from Obatala.
Obatala, known as the "King of the White Cloth," holds the esteemed position as the eldest among the Orishas. Often regarded as the ultimate father figure, Obatala assumes the role of protector and guardian over the younger Orishas. He is deeply revered as the sovereign among sovereigns and credited as the divine creator of humanity itself. Working under the divine authority of his father, Olorun, Obatala shaped the Earth and breathed life into all living beings that dwell upon it. His domain encompasses leadership, wisdom, justice, compassion for the disabled, and the realm of the military.
Obatala is renowned for his wisdom and insightful guidance. Individuals may seek his assistance in making wise decisions, finding clarity in challenging situations, or seeking guidance on their life path. Obatala is associated with purity and healing. People may pray to him for physical, emotional, or spiritual healing, as well as for help in removing negative energies or obstacles that may be impeding their well-being.