Obatala: The Orisha Who Created The Sky and Mankind
Explore the realm of the Orisha Obatala, and uncover rituals, prayers, and offerings to foster serenity, insight, wisdom, and enlightenment in your...
Balsamo Tranquilo is a spiritually significant oil valued for its calming and soothing effects. It's commonly used in various spiritual and ritualistic practices to foster peace and relaxation. Known for its nerve-calming abilities, Balsamo Tranquilo is often used in baths to aid relaxation and reduce stress.
This oil is integral in rituals, especially those associated with the deity Obatalá, helping to bring tranquility in disruptive situations. Apart from creating a peaceful atmosphere, it's also used for its anti-anxiety properties and to ease tensions.
Balsamo Tranquilo is applied to objects or in baths to enhance ritual effectiveness or for personal relaxation and peace.