Elegua floor wash

Elegua Floor Wash

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Cleanse your space and invite the blessings of Elegua, the powerful Orisha of crossroads, doors, and new opportunities, with our Elegua Floor Wash. Elegua is the guardian of paths and choices, revered as the opener of roads and the messenger between humans and the divine. Known for his ability to remove obstacles, he ensures that opportunities flow freely and protects your home from negativity.


Elegua Floor Wash is essential for those seeking to clear away blockages, attract new opportunities, and protect their space from harm. Whether you’re starting a new chapter in life, embarking on a spiritual journey, or simply looking to invite fresh energy into your home, this floor wash empowers you to align with Elegua’s guidance and blessings.

  • 16oz glass bottle
  • Each bottle provides two powerful cleansing sessions.

How To Use Elegua Floor Wash

  • Begin by physically cleaning your floors to remove dirt and clutter.
  • Add half a bottle (8 oz) of Elegua Floor Wash to a bucket of warm water.
  • Starting from the back of your home and moving toward the front door, mop your floors while focusing on your intentions. Visualize Elegua opening doors of opportunity and clearing the path ahead.
  • Recite prayers or affirmations to connect with Elegua, asking for his protection, guidance, and blessings.
  • Dispose of the used water at a crossroads, symbolic of Elegua’s domain, to release negativity and honor his energy.
  • For enhanced spiritual results, you can light an Elegua candle or leave offerings such as candies or coins near your front door or an Elegua statue during the process.