Kola nuts bitter

Bitter Kola Nuts

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In Santería, bitter kola nuts are used for spiritual purposes such as offerings to the gods and cleansing. They are placed in the corners of rooms to purify the space and protect from negative energies, and may be chewed or used in spiritual baths. The significance of bitter kola nuts in Santería varies among practitioners. 1oz Bag


In Santería, bitter kola nuts are sometimes used as offerings to the orishas, or gods. They are also used for spiritual cleansing and protection. The nuts are often placed in the four corners of a room to purify the space and protect it from negative energies. They can also be chewed or ground up and used as a component in various spiritual cleansing baths. The specific use and significance of bitter kola nuts in Santería varies among practitioners and may be part of personal or family traditions.

  • 1oz Bag