Candles Different Ways To Prepare Ritual Candles Discover the power of candle magic by preparing your candle with cleansing, dressing, and carving techniques.
Candles Step-By-Step Guide to Dressing Candles Prepping or charging your candles is a very important step in candle magic.
Candles Candles: The Christmas Symbols Lighting candles is a significant part of many winter holidays, as the light fills homes with brightness and warmth.
Candles Interpreting How Your Ritual Candles Burn How your ritual candle burns will give you insight into how successful your spell has been. We'll show you what you need to know to figure out the...
Candles How To Carve and Dress Ritual Candles Lulu shows you how to carve, dress, and prepare candles with oils and glitter to add power to your candle spells and rituals.
Candles How To Use Catholic Prayer Candles Learn about the history and significance of Catholic prayer candles, their use in Santeria and Mexican culture, and how to use them to enhance your...