How to Send Healing Energy To Others
Sometime people in our lives are in desperate need of healing. These methods allow you to direct healing energy their way, no matter how distant...
Sassafras leaf is native to North America. In spiritual and magical beliefs, sassafras bark is associated with a range of meanings and properties, including:
Protection: Sassafras leaf is believed to provide spiritual protection against negativity and evil spirits in some cultures.
Healing: Sassafras leaf is used in traditional medicine for its medicinal properties, and its spiritual properties are believed to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.
Purification: Sassafras leaf is associated with purification and cleansing, making it a popular choice for use in rituals and spells related to cleansing and protection.
Growth and renewal: Sassafras leaf is associated with growth and renewal, making it a popular choice for use in rituals and spells related to personal growth and change.
Creativity and intuition: Sassafras leaf is associated with creativity and intuition in some traditions, making it a popular choice for use in rituals and spells related to artistic expression and intuition.