Getting Him To Pop The Question
Have you been with your partner for a long time, but your relationship seems stuck? If you would like to experience a deeper commitment from your man, a little magic might be just what you need. These spells and rituals can help you get your partner to propose, or (if a proposal is not quite what you are after) commit more fully to you.
For best results, these should be performed on a Friday or Sunday during a full moon.
An Engagement Ring Proposal Spell
For this, you will need:
- Photos of both partners
- A ring (it does not have to be fancy -- a plastic toy ring will do)
- Licorice root
- Charcoal
- An incense bowl filled with clean sand for the charcoal to rest in
- Some Controlling Sachet Powder
Begin by placing the photos on top of each other, face to face. Roll them up small enough to fit inside of the ring, and place them in front of the incense bowl. Light a briquette of charcoal, and sprinkle it with licorice root. As the smoke rises, picture your man getting down on one knee to propose. Say,
"By this ring and by this root,
Our love will blossom and bear fruit.
By this smoke of licorice,
You will propose, just as I wish."
Next, place the photos, ring, ashes of the licorice, and some Controlling Sachet Powder in an envelope or pouch. Place it under the mattress where your partner sleeps.
Tame Him Spell
If you know your man is on his way over to see you, get ready by performing a quick candle spell. This will help you work your will on him, and get him to do what you want. You will need:
Dress the candle with a few drops of the oil, and place it in the room where you two will be spending most of your time together. Light it, and say,
"As this flame rises, your heart warms to me.
You will do what I wish, without hesitation.
As I will it, it will be."
Allow the candle to burn for as long as you can. Before your lover arrives, snuff it and place it in a secret place. Anoint yourself with a little bit of Tame Him Perfume, and go meet your man full of confidence and the knowledge that you have him in the palm of your hand.
Links of Love Ritual
This ritual should be performed over a period of seven days. Begin it while the moon is growing, and end it on the full moon. You will need:
- A Marriage or Hugging Lovers Candle
- A white candle
- Marriage Oil
- Marriage Sachet Powder
- A length of metal chain
Begin by dressing the Marriage or Hugging Lovers Candle with the oil, carving your and your partner's names on the base, and rubbing a bit of Marriage Sachet Powder over the names. Place the Marriage Candle and the white candle a short distance apart -- not farther than the chain is long.
The first day, light both candles. Hold the chain in your hands, over both candle flames. Say,
"Chains that link, chains that bind,
Love and marriage enter your mind."
Allow the candles to burn for a bit as you visualize your partner proposing to you, then snuff them out.
The next day, move the candles a bit closer together, and repeat the spell. Continue each day until the candles are touching. Then, say,
"Love that heats, love that glows,
Commit to love -- you will propose."
After both candles have burned away, dispose of the remains of the white candle in a moving body of water. Wrap the remains of the Marriage Candle (if there are any) in the chain, and place it under the mattress where your partner sleeps.
Love is a tricky thing, especially when both partners have different ideas about marriage. Unfortunately, loudly encouraging your partner to commit may end up driving them away. Instead, the right spells and rituals can subtly turn the situation to your favor, leading to a swift proposal and a happy marriage.