Spells and Rituals For Removing Ghosts From Your Home
Is your home haunted? Learn how to spot the signs of ghostly activity and banish unwanted spirits to restore peace and harmony in your space.
Is your home haunted? Learn how to spot the signs of ghostly activity and banish unwanted spirits to restore peace and harmony in your space.
Lulu shows you how to perform a fresh rue (ruda) burning ritual to cleanse yourself, your family, or your space of all evil and negativity.
Create a peaceful atmosphere in your home with this powerful method to cleanse and remove negative energy from your living space using lemons!
When it comes to breaking a curse, herbs are a very effective way to do so. Use this herb-burning ritual to cleanse negative energies and evil from...
Whether you need cleansing, purification, healing, or protection during meditative rituals, members of the sage family can help you.
Seashells are a powerful magical tool. Some spells focus specifically on the magical properties of the shells themselves.
Learn about the many ways you can get rid of used ritual and spell candles without jeopardizing the results of your work.
Camphor may look like an unassuming little white block, but it is a powerful magical ingredient for cleansing, divination, power, and more.
A wand is a healer or lightworker's best friend. While it is good to know how to direct energy with your hands, a wand gives you a way to easily...
Using spiritual waters magically can help you remove unwanted energies from a place or yourself, protect you and your home, drive away enemies, and...
Suitable for both men and women, this powerful perfume can be used in a variety of ways.
The New Year is the perfect time for cleansing rituals that clear away the negativity of the past year and set forth a clean slate for the upcoming...