Spiritual and Magical Uses of Camphor
Camphor may look like an unassuming little white block, but it is a powerful magical ingredient for cleansing, divination, power, and more.
Possessing many of the properties and powers of the herb of the same name, our Lemongrass Oil is imbued with many properties that make it a fantastic supplement to many spells and rituals. Traditionally, it is used by spiritualists and mediums in aiding in increasing psychic and mental clarity. In this way, it can be used by those of just about any tradition for your rituals and spells, enhancing your abilities, psychic and otherwise. Outside of these qualities, some traditions have also used Lemongrass Oil as a representative of the element of Earth, bringing the properties of that element into your rituals and spells. This is a 2 dram bottle of pure anointing oil, for external use only.