High john floor wash 19369

High John The Conqueror Floor Wash

In Stock

Use our High John the Conquerer Floor Wash to gain strength and confidence to conquer all obstacles. Also very effective in legal matters, protection, luck, money, and even gambling.


Use our High John the Conquerer Floor Wash to gain strength and confidence to conquer all obstacles. Also very effective in legal matters, protection, luck, money and even gambling.

  • 16oz Glass Bottle.

How To Use High John The Conqueror Floor Wash:

  • Clean the floor: Start by thoroughly cleaning the floor you want to wash. Sweep or vacuum the area to remove any debris or dirt.
  • Mix the floor wash: In a bucket, mix together High John the Conqueror floor wash with cold water.
  • Before you start washing the floor, take a moment to set your intention. You can say a prayer or affirmation to help focus your energy and intention on your desired outcome.
  • Dip your mop into the bucket of High John the Conqueror floor wash and begin washing the floor, starting at the front of the house and make your way to the back. As you wash, visualize your intentions coming to fruition and feel the energy of the High John the Conqueror root infusing your space with positive energy.
  • Allow your floors to air dry naturally.
  • Once you've finished using the High John the Conqueror floor wash, dispose of any remaining water outdoors.
  • Repeat this process as often as you like, depending on your needs and desires. Many people believe that using High John the Conqueror floor wash on a regular basis can help increase success and bring positive energy into their lives.