High John the Conqueror Root: A Staple of Hoodoo Magic
The legacy of Juan el Conquistador is one of luck, love, success, and achievement, and through his root, his blessings are available to us all.
Burn our 7 Day High John the Conqueror candle to gain strength and confidence over any situation. High John is excellent for helping with legal matters, love, protection, luck, and money drawing. For added strength, place a few drops of our High John the Conqueror Oil on top of your candle as it burns.
High John the Conqueror, mighty and strong, Grant me the confidence to face all that's wrong. With your power and courage by my side, I will conquer all fears and take life in stride.
In times of doubt and insecurity, I call upon your name, To give me the strength to overcome and rise again. With High John the Conqueror root as my guide, I will overcome all obstacles and thrive.
May your spirit fill me with your divine grace, And empower me to shine in every place. High John the Conqueror, I trust in thee, To give me the confidence to be all I can be.
Grant me the self-assurance to achieve my dreams, And the courage to overcome all that seems. High John the Conqueror, I call upon your might, To empower me with confidence and light.