Algodon fresh herb 53044

Fresh Algodon Plant

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The Algodon plant (Cotton leaves) is great for use in purification spells, amulets, or cleansing of the home. Many devotees of St. Clair, Virgen Mercedes, and Obatala use this particular herb in their spiritual works.

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The Algodon plant (Cotton leaves) are great for use in purification spells, amulets or cleansing the home. Many devotees of St. Clair, Virgen Mercedes and Obatala use this particular herb in their spiritual works.

  • Prepare this spiritual bath by steeping the herbs in boiling water for 10 minutes, strain the mixture, let the liquid cool, and pour it over the body while standing in a wash tub.
  • Sweet Herb
  • Available in 1 oz, 1/2lb or 1lb Bags