How To Use and Burn Incense
Incense, which means to burn in Latin, dates back to Ancient Egypt times and used in almost all ancient civilizations. From tombs to mentions in the Bible, incense has proven to be an ancient tool that has stood the test of time.
Today, it’s used in many religious, spiritual and magical groups as a versatile tool in meditation, rituals and aromatherapy.
Incense is the gum and resin from aromatic trees and plants. It comes in many forms such as wood, powders, pastes, resin, cones and sticks. Some incense needs a direct source of heat, such as pastes or resins. These are called indirect burning incense. Cones and sticks are examples of Direct-Burning incense. Once lit, they can burn on their own for hours to days.
How Incense Is Used
The aromatic smell from incense has healing and magical powers. It can calm stress, alleviate fear and reduce anxiety. It can also help clean the space of negative energies and renew positive energy. Based on the scent, it can create many different physical, emotional, and psychological changes.
Some use incense in ritual work to raise the energy of the room. It can help you connect to angels, spirit guides, saints, ancestors or deities.
When used in meditation, it can help you stay calm and focused. Many practitioners use incense for heightened clarity as well as aiding with trances, astral projection and even lucid dreaming.
Incense can also be used for exorcisms and cleansings.
Types of Incense
There are many forms of incense: gums and resins, cones, powders, and sticks.
Resins and gums are one of the oldest forms of incense. To use, place the resin on a charcoal disk and place the disk in an incense pot or a bed of sand. Light a candle and place the charcoal tablet in the flame using tweezers. Once it starts to glow, place it in the pot or sand and continue to carefully fan the tablet. Once it stops crackling and is aglow, you can place the resin on top of the charcoal using tweezers, a spoon or knife. Once done, pick up the charcoal with tweezers and place in water to ensure it’s fully extinguished.
Powdered incense can consist of many materials such as herbs and oils. Self-lighting powder can be used by placing the powder in a cast iron plate, forming it into a cone shape, and light it various places of the powder. Do not blow out the flame as the powder will be spread everywhere. Instead, wait for the flame to extinguish on it’s own. If you are using powder that needs a constant source of heat, follow the same directions for resin incense.
Incense cones and incense sticks are self-lighting incense and are the easiest to use. Light the end of the cone or stick, gently blow or fan the on the flame to extinguish it and place in a cone burner, stick holder or bed of sand.
*Always use caution when burning incense. Charcoal and incense get very hot so always use proper heat resistant tools and common sense.
Common Incense and Why To Burn It
Cinnamon: This incense is traditionally used in rituals of purification, as well spells of money drawing. In other cases, it also makes a great aid in spells seeking to stimulate emotions.
Coconut: In ritual, it also makes a great aid in spells of protection, particularly those seeking to protect virtue or chastity.
Frankincense: Creates a calming and peaceful atmosphere. It helps bring peace to situations as well as helps relieve stress and anxiety. It’s used for meditation, cleansing and protection.
Jasmine: Perfect for spells involving love and dreams as well as money drawing and financial success.
Lavender: When burning on the altar, it also makes for a fantastic aid in spells of cleansing and healing, and is traditionally known for being helpful in spells seeking love.
Musk: Adds a deep, sensual aroma to any room in which it burns and can be added to magical rituals where you are seeking a little extra aid in creating an aphrodisiac effect in yourself or another, or otherwise seeking to win the one you desire.
Myrrh: Fantastic for burning during meditation or upon the altar for your spells, particularly those of healing and hex-breaking.
Nag Champa: The best selling incense in the world, the name Nag Champa has become almost synonymous with peace and meditative clarity.
Patchouli: Creates a soothing presence in any room in which it is burned. Upon the altar, it has also been known for its use in love spells, as well as magic seeking personal growth and mastery.
Rose: Aids in spells that focus on love and fertility, as well as utilize to empower your favorite house-blessing spell.
Sandalwood: Creates a deeper spiritual awareness. Upon the altar, this is great for meditative exercises.
Vanilla: Lending power to spells of the mind and improving psychic powers, this wonderful incense is also a potent aid within magic of attraction, empowering spells of lust and desire.