Orisha Yemaya: Queen of the Sea
Yemaya's generous and protective nature as the mother of all living things endears her to those who worship her.
Yemaya holds a profound association with motherhood and is often invoked for her fertility blessings, ensuring pregnancies are safe, and promoting the well-being of childbirth. She stands as a fierce protector and guardian of both mothers and their children. Within the Yoruba religion, Yemaya is celebrated as one of the formidable Seven African Powers.
Our Yemaya Orisha Candle is used for fertility, guidance in family values, motherhood, and protection from those who wish to do you harm. For added strength anoint with our Yemaya Oil.
Using a Yemaya candle for spiritual and ritual purposes involves setting intentions, creating a sacred space, and visualizing goals or desires. Yemaya, a revered orisha in the Yoruba religion, symbolizes motherhood, the ocean, and protection. Here's a simplified guide on how to use this ritual tool to request aid and guidance from Yemaya:
Keep in mind, that engaging with Yemaya is a highly personal experience and should be treated with utmost respect and honor for its originating traditions.