Removing a Crossed Condition
Every person has gone through bad luck at some point in their life. Things like relationship break-ups, lost jobs and car accidents happen to all of us. And while they are terrible and frustrating experiences to endure, they are nothing compared to being crossed. Living through the experience of a crossed condition is something that can drive a sane person to the brink of insanity.
The term ‘crossed’ is heard most commonly in Hoodoo. It refers to the spiritual condition where an individual is in a continual blocked or hexed state. Crossed conditions can be caused by a variety of factors. One explanation is that an enemy has jinxed you. Crossing rituals involve writing a person’s name and crossing it out, thereby targeting them and placing a powerful spell on them. When these spells are cast by a practitioner of black magick, the results can be catastrophic and very difficult to undo.
Signs of Being Crossed
The recipient of a crossing ritual will suddenly find that things in their life are falling apart. They may initially chalk their experiences up to bad luck or coincidence. As time passes, it becomes more and more obvious that there are deeper forces at work that are manipulating your life.
It is also possible to create a self-inflicted crossed condition. People who are constantly pessimistic will undoubtedly build up a large amount of negative energy. A negative mindset is a powerful tool that can lead to depression, reduced impulse control, and poor decision-making. Over time, these small missteps will snowball into life-altering incidents.
The effects of a crossed condition build over time. Initially, the victim may notice that a particular area of their life seems out of step. They may find that they are unable to keep a job for any length of time.
The Struggles of Being Crossed
A crossed person may go through relationship after relationship with no success and no clear understanding of why they cannot keep a lover. The crossing may manifest itself internally. Health issues and chronic illness may begin. Unexplained daily headaches, nausea, and lethargy can all occur.
As your life begins to spiral out of control, the people in your life may begin to react to you in more negative or passive-aggressive ways. You may find yourself losing friends and relatives. Feelings of abandonment and isolation often accompany these losses. The crossed person feels like a stranger in their own life. They are drowning in quicksand with no visible way to pull themselves out.
People who are crossed find it virtually impossible, despite their best efforts, to improve their circumstances. The techniques that most of us turn to during frustrating times, such as changing one's perspective, ‘thinking positive’, and expressing our feelings to those close to us, fail to provide any solace to the crossed individual. It is easy to see how this ongoing and relentless stretch of misery can lead to severe depression and hopelessness.
Finding The Cause of the Hex or Curse
Whether placed on you by a spiteful peer or obtained through your karma or negativity, a crossed condition must be undone. Uncrossing is essentially replacing negative energy with positive energy. Simple in concept, this process requires patience, focus, and a positive outlook; things that may be difficult to conjure during this dark period of your life.
There are three basic steps to uncrossing. The first step is the removal of the hex or curse. To successfully banish the hex, it is necessary to find the true cause of the problem. Understandably, this is the most difficult of the three steps. It demands that the crossed person look honestly and critically at themselves to determine the root of the crossing.
During this step, the victim of the crossing must undergo deep meditation. This begins with gathering the correct tools to assist in the process. Candles are powerful aids in any uncrossing ritual. An Uncrossing Hoo Doo Pillar candle, Sweep Away/Oya Candle, or Blockbreaker 7 Day Candle are all designed to remove negative influences and unblock self-defeating thoughts.
Anoint your candle with Uncrossing Oil, Rose Oil, Vervain Oil or Lavender Oil. These oils can also be worn for added effectiveness. After your candle has been anointed, focus your intentions on finding the root of your crossing. Light your candle and sit in silence as you reflect on your conflict.
Performing the Uncrossing Ritual
Once you have determined the basis of your crossed condition, it is time to perform the uncrossing ritual. The most common way to uncross a hex is a spiritual or cleansing bath. Many spiritual healers see the bath as the single most important part of the uncrossing process. The bath should take place at least once a day for seven days, preferably in the morning.
An Uncrossing Bath
Fill your tub with water and add the contents of Uncrossing Bath & Floor Wash to the water. Soak in the tub for 15 minutes while concentrating on your desire. Meditating and soaking in this healing bath will help to cleanse you of unwanted energy and will also ease any physical ailments you may be experiencing as a part of your crossed condition.
After you have finished your spiritual bath, sprinkle yourself with Uncrossing Sachet Powder to protect yourself from any future jinxes. As you move on to the next step in your uncrossing, light a Needed Change/Banishing Blessed Herbal Pillar candle or some Uncrossing Incense.
Cleansing Your Surroundings
It is necessary to cleanse not only your physical body but your surroundings as well. Add the contents of Uncrossing Floor Wash to a gallon of water and wash your home from back to front. After your home has been cleaned, it is a good idea to spray Uncrossing Spray to maintain the potency of the work you have done. Repeat this cleansing for seven consecutive days.
Healing and Moving Forward
The final step in the uncrossing process deals with moving forward and re-focusing your life. If you have been the victim of a crossed condition, you may have been suffering its effects for months, if not years. As a result, it can be difficult to shift your thinking and outlook in a positive direction. Think of this step as a journey. It is not something that can be achieved in a matter of days.
Find a healthy support system that you can lean on if you feel yourself slipping back toward a negative place. Invest your energy in a hobby or pastime that gives you pleasure and keeps your mind occupied. Continue to strengthen your faith and spirituality by partaking in rituals of protection and prosperity.
Carry a Circle of Protection Amulet, All Seeing Eye Amulet, Protection, Power and Plenty Amulet with you. Light your candles and anoint yourself with Protection Oil or Open Road Oil. Recognize that even the strongest of people falter from time to time and it is natural to face moments of doubt. Stay on the path and you will be met with peace, prosperity, and good fortune.