February 2022 Horoscopes By Jorge Obba
ARIES (March 21-April 19). Strength is the key for you this month. Somehow you feel that many challenges and tribulations have been put in your way recently. Be sure that you will find the strength and courage to succeed. You will definitely find the willpower to come out on top. If you have been thinking of making big changes to improve your life, this is a good time to do so. What you most want at this time is for a secret to be revealed. You feel like for some reason things are not crystal clear and that there is a secret being held either deep within yourself or another. Go within and listen to the still small voice of your heart and instincts. Things will be revealed to you very soon. You are feeling insecure these days. Decision making has been at it hardest recently. So much, that you are not sure what is the right thing to do. There are people around you who love and care for you and they will give you support. Trust them. The Sun is shining on you. This is your time for success, joy and happiness. You soon will enter a phase where you will feel confident and full of vitality. It is a time to celebrate with friends and loved ones, perhaps enjoy a well-earned holiday, a time of pleasure and leisure. Be very careful not to be overambitious at this time. Success may remain just out of your reach for a while. Being assertive is one thing, being aggressive and using unethical tactics is another. Do not misuse your authority. You are full of self-belief, and will be feeling very empowered and will certainly have the ability to think on your feet. Rejoice! This is your moment to shine. This month will be beneficial if you pray to Saint Expedite. Saint Expedite is a very good Saint to seize the moment. When confronted by evil to procrastinate his conversion to Christianity, Expedite always said “Today.” Seize the energy and strength of Expedite to dive right away into the things that need to be changed in order for you to move forward. He is also very good for gamblers. If you play the lotto, praying to him is always beneficial. For those of you who work with stones Clear quartz can help you. Quartz is the most powerful healing stone that is able to work in any conditions. It is known as the stone of power and an amplifier of energy or intention. Clear Quartz protects against negativity, attuned to your higher self and relieves pain.
- Lucky Numbers: 8, 10, 24, 34, 42, 59, 68
- Prepared Candle: Money Drawing
- Spiritual Bath: Saint Expedite
- Blessed Mojo Bag: Money
- Saint of the Month: Saint Expedite
- Stone of the Month: Clear Quartz
TAURUS: (April 20-May 20). This month will be one of self examination. These past few months have been very hard on you, and many of you have gone through a lot of trials and tribulations. The key this month is not to let any of that put you down. Sometimes you have the tendency of clinging to the past and that does not do you any good. Fight the urge of looking back. Keep the past behind you, lock that door and never look back. If you don't you will fall into self doubting and the feeling that there's nothing good in the future. Nothing farther from the truth. You need to be positive and tap into that amazing strength you have to move forward. Great things are waiting for you ahead. The thing you desire the most is to be happy and you are precisely looking for that happiness. Look no further, happiness is smiling at you. The only thing you need to do is open your eyes and realize that the thing that makes you the most happy is right in front of you. What's keeping you from realizing it is the fear of change. Anything that doesn't help you needs to be discarded. Is time to move on and be courageous. Your self-confidence and courageousness is unstoppable right now. Fill your life with peace and patience, and the rewards will be bountiful. This month will be beneficial if you pray to Saint Martin of Porres. Saint Martin can help you sweep away anything in your path that is not relevant or helpful. Saint Martin was also a mystic with an immense power to tap into the spiritual and the divine. His unwavering faith can give you the strength to tap into yours. Having a strong faith can give you the tools you need to progress and succeed. If you work with stones, working with Obsidian is highly advisable. Obsidian is a truth enhancing stone. It is also a strongly protective stone that forms a shield against negativity. It has the power to block psychic attacks and absorbs negative energies from the environment. Obsidian can also help drawing out mental stress and tension.
- Lucky Numbers: 4, 18, 23, 31, 48, 50, 66
- Prepared Candle: Peace and Wisdom
- Spiritual Bath: Uncrossing
- Blessed Mojo Bag: Protection
- Saint of the Month: Saint Martin of Porres
- Stone of the Month: Obsidian
GEMINI: (May 21-June 21). Your intuition is guiding you to a conscious and spiritual level this month. Looking for guidance and answers will be easier than ever. Be ready for a big secret to be revealed. What you desire is a wise guide to help address your questions, and your intuition will be that guide. A woman who you care for very much and that you trust will inspire you. What you desire this time is good fortune and a happy future. Be ready for it. This month will bring happiness, fulfillment and good health. You are afraid that what you've been wanting for has been delayed and fear that anything is changing. Perhaps things aren't turning out quite as you expected. This is a period when your routine will be changed dramatically. Fear not. Although events will seem to be moving at a slow pace, any choice you make will change your life for the better. This is your time for success, joy and happiness. You will feel confident and full of vitality. It's a time to celebrate with friends and loved ones, perhaps enjoy a well-earned holiday. If you have been suffering in silence in an unhappy relationship or feeling very lonely, you have the courage to make the decision you very well know you have to make. You have a great sense of duty, but are you are not happy. A difficult decision has to be made. Be assured you will achieve emotional happiness. A period of peace and harmony will come. Life will flow and you will find a way of handling any difficult circumstances with calm confidence. This is also a time for patience, so if you are not sure what decisions to make, take your time. You'll know what to do when the time is right. This month will be beneficial if you pray to Saint Barbara. Saint Barbara can give you the strength you need in order to put things in the right place and help you conquer any obstacles or any enemies. She can also help you find the beauty of things around you and can help you realize your full potential. If you work with stones, work with Desert Rose this month. Desert Rose Selenite is a unique, natural crystal formation that is formed from the combination of water, wind and sand. It carries the energies of clarity, prosperity and purification. Desert Rose also helps to rid the mind of old thought-process, opening up the flow of guidance from your intuition.
- Lucky Numbers: 7, 16, 22, 37, 48, 50, 67
- Prepared Candle: Protection
- Spiritual Bath: Santa Barbara
- Blessed Mojo Bag: Go Away Evil
- Saint of the Month: Saint Barbara
- Stone of the Month: Desert Rose
CANCER: (June 22-July 22). This month you will be reaching and enjoy a time of total fulfillment. All the things you have been asking for are going to be granted. Wishes will come true this month. This is the time for you to enjoy the reward of the hard work and sacrifices you have endured. Things this month are moving forward. You are entering a time of wealth and happiness that you know is very well deserved. Spiritually speaking you are at your best moment. Keep listening to your inner voice and your spirits. They will never let you down. Be aware that you still need guidance and support. Do not be afraid of asking for help if you need it. Know that you are not alone. This year started with a lot of weight on your shoulders, and work has been extremely hard. Remember that rest is very important. If you don't rest, your body is going to be affected. Take care of your health. Not all the answers to your questions have come, and you still feel as if somehow the world is falling apart around you. Do not fear and put those thoughts aside. The answers you are so eager to receive are just around the corner and you will know exactly what to do. Many blessings are coming your way. Trust in God and your spirits. They have never failed you. This month will be beneficial if you pray to Saint Cecilia. Saint Cecilia is the patron Saint of musicians, but it is also a martyr with a strong sense of conviction and an unwavering faith. Use the strength of Saint Cecilia to help you see the divine plan despite of the many twists and turns it may have. Use her wisdom to see beyond the physical and ask her for the conviction that no matter what happens in your life, God knows exactly where you should be and what you need. If you work with stones it would be good to add Copper to the mix. Copper has the ability to conduct spiritual energy back and forth between individuals, crystals, auras, the mind and the spirit world. It has the power to amplify thoughts when sending and receiving psychic communications. It is also used for its healing properties in improving circulation of blood, increasing energy, and detoxification of the body.
- Lucky Numbers: 3, 17, 25, 34, 40, 58, 69
- Prepared Candle: Open Road
- Spiritual Bath: Open Road
- Blessed Mojo Bag: Good Luck
- Saint of the Month: Saint Cecilia
- Stone of the Month: Copper
LEO (July 23-August 22). This is a time of fairness and justice in all things. If you are considering a business partnership or you are starting a new relationship, all will go well. If you are about to sign a contract or a legal document, it will be very beneficial for you. There has been people in the past that have wronged you. Justice will prevail, things will be put right and you will feel that justice has been done. Surround yourself with people that you can trust and confide that they won't let you down. Their input and help will be invaluable at the time of making important decisions. You definitely need the advice or the counsel of those you trust the most in order to help you make the right decisions. In the love department, be careful not to feel disappointed or unfulfilled. You tend to idealize relationships and when things are not the way you envisioned them, you feel discouraged. Be assured that is not the case. Give that relationship a chance to blossom the way is supposed to. Not the way you think or dreamed it should. Then you will realize that you have a wonderful relationship right in front of you. Sometimes sudden disruptive change is inevitable. As painful as that sounds, you will come through it a stronger and better person. No matter how disruptive things may be at the moment, you need to re-evaluate and move on. A new direction can often bring new opportunities you never dreamed of. Courage and self-belief is what you need to succeed. Let yourself be overflowed by them and there will be no doubt you will achieve what you want. The sky is the limit! This month will be beneficial if you pray to Saint Jude. Saint Jude is the patron Saint of the impossible and the one who solves the most difficult cases. Tap into the power of Saint Jude to move mountains and to generate the wealth you rightfully deserve. Saint Jude can help when you are in need of a job, or if you need your labor to be recognized and rewarded. If you work with stones it would be highly beneficial if you work with Amethyst. Amethyst is a stone of spiritual protection and purification. It cleanses one’s energy field of negative influences and attachments. It creates a resonant shield of spiritual light around the body. It can also act as a barrier against lower energies, psychic attacks, geophonic stress, and unhealthy environments.
- Lucky Numbers: 5, 18, 20, 33, 42, 59, 66
- Prepared Candle: Money Drawing
- Spiritual Bath: Saint Jude
- Blessed Mojo Bag: Protection
- Saint of the Month: Saint Jude
- Stone of the Month: Amethyst
VIRGO (August 23-September 21). You feel a sense of purpose and the willpower to get things done. Self-empowerment is the key word here. Any new enterprises in love or career show great potential. You feel that you have the ability to think on your feet and, faced with opposition, you will always have success. Time to believe in yourself and go for it! You are craving some peace and harmony, a sense of control and wish to feel that life is flowing again. Perhaps you have been, or are currently going through some tough times regarding a relationship, financial worries or some other kind of loss. Take heart that peace will be restored - this is a time for you to be calm and patient and life will soon have a sense of normality again. You sometimes are afraid that things seem too good to be true, so much pleasure and joy - well enjoy it, sometimes we can be pleasantly surprised! If you have been unwell this is a time of rejuvenation and good health. Perhaps you are afraid that things won't actually get better - have faith you are about to enter a happy and pleasurable time. This is an ending to difficulties and a time to celebrate with friends and loved ones, a time of pleasure and good news around children or the conception or birth of a longed-for baby. This is definitely a time of conflicts ending in victory, so don't give up. Battle on and you will succeed. This is a time of movement and change. Open your mind and soul to new possibilities. This is a time to realize your full potential, follow your instincts and act on your hunches - a time for spontaneity, fun and surprises. However, be mindful of being too impulsive. Your decisions should be based on experience and knowledge of self. This month will be beneficial if you pray to Saint Claire. Saint Claire is the patron Saint of clarity and tranquility. She will give you the light and the guidance you need in order to be able to navigate through changes. She can also show you the true self of people around you and can make them reveal the truth to you. She is also excellent for business and prosperity. If you work with crystals it will be highly beneficial if you work with Goldstone. Goldstone has the property of making your goal of life clear. It can be used to face your future seriously. It is useful when analyzing if things are possible or not. By making your imagination practical, you will be able to achieve your goals easier. It can also help you make decisions in a calm state and help you control your feelings and emotions.
- Lucky Numbers: 9, 20, 31, 49, 53, 67
- Prepared Candle: Peace and Tranquility
- Spiritual Bath: Santa Clara
- Blessed Mojo Bag: Spell Breaker
- Saint of the Month: Saint Claire
- Stone of the Month: Goldstone
LIBRA: (September 22-October 22). This is a time where you will feel a sense of purpose and the willpower to get things done. Self-empowerment is the key word here. Any new enterprises in love or career show great potential. You feel that you have the ability to think on your feet and, faced with opposition, you have all the resources to secure success. This is a time to believe in yourself and go for what you want. What you most want at this time is to find the strength and willpower to see you through and achieve success. It is very important to take action from a place of love and tolerance and not aggression. Put your fears to rest and develop a positive attitude and you'll reap bountiful rewards. You fear of letting go, places you in a state of limbo and indecisions are not good for you at this time. Sometimes we need to find the strength to let go in order to attract better possibilities into our life. This is a time of good luck and fortune, and wishes will come true. Good health and good fortune will give you a new zest for life. If you have been considering a new love affair, a new employment, a career change, or you wish to travel, this is the time. Go for it! Be ready for unexpected blessings to come your way. Be careful not to do things hastily. This is not a time for irrational and impulsive behavior. Try and remain calm and make cool and collected decisions. This will be a period of peace and harmony, life will flow and you will find a way of handling any difficult circumstances with calm confidence. This is also a time for patience, so if you are not sure of what decision to make about any key issue, take your time. You'll know what to do when the time is right. This month it will be beneficial if you pray to Saint Michael. Saint Michael is the patron Saint of protection against witchcraft. Saint Michael can also help you get rid of negativity and protect you against the evil eye. He can also give you strength to move forward against all odds. If you work with crystals it will be highly beneficial if you work with Agate. Agate promotes inner stability, composure and maturity. Its warm protective properties encourage security and self-confidence. It is a crystal of dreams, intuition, and luxury.
- Lucky Numbers: 8, 11, 25, 31, 41, 53, 65
- Prepared Candle: Destroy All Evil
- Spiritual Bath: San Miguel
- Blessed Mojo Bag: Go Away Evil
- Saint of the Month: Saint Michael
- Stone of the Month: Agate
SCORPIO: (October 23-November 21). You feel this is an end to an era or at least a certain phase of your life - you are taking stock and looking where you want to go from here. This ending is not one for regret but for rejoicing. Soon you will enjoy the rewards for your past efforts. As with any period of endings, many opportunities will present themselves and the choice that you make will have far-reaching implications that could change your life dramatically. What you most want at this time is for a fair and right outcome whether it concerns relationships or business affairs. You feel that you are in the right and that any decision or agreement to be made should be in your favor. You are fearful of lacking the willpower and strength to deal with someone or something that concerns you. What has now come to an end leaves room for brand new beginnings in life, love and career. However radical events may be in your life, believe that life goes on and life is what you make of it. This is a time for you to be alone or may herald a time of loneliness. Take this time for quiet introspection and rest. Don't worry, you will find the answers, but be sure not to make any hasty decisions. If you have been unwell this is a time for rest and recuperation. This month will be beneficial if you pray to Saint Expedite. Saint Expedite can help you in manifesting the things that you are yearning for in a very secure and fast way. He can also give you the strength of knowing yourself and what you are really capable of. Expedite can also help if you like to gamble or play the lotto. For those of you who work with crystals it would be highly beneficial if you work with Copper. Copper has the ability to conduct spiritual energy back and forth between individuals, crystals, auras, the mind and the spirit world. It can be used for its healing properties in improving circulation of the blood, increasing energy and detoxification of the body. Its conductive properties can help you in manifesting desires.
- Lucky Numbers: 1, 11, 21, 30, 49, 50, 65
- Prepared Candle: Open Road
- Spiritual Bath: Open Road
- Blessed Mojo Bag: Good Luck
- Saint of the Month: Saint Expedite
- Stone of the Month: Copper
SAGITTARIUS: (November 22-December 21). This is a month that will bring a lot of surprises. Love, motherhood, new residence and work among them. Those of you who are single will find love. Those of you wanting to become mothers, will. Those looking to own a house, will. And those looking for a job also will. You have sacrificed a lot, and it is time to enjoy the rewards of hard work. Being organized is of utmost importance this month. Things have been a little messy and disorganized lately and you need to put everything in order so you can achieve success. Doors will be opening for you this month, and expect new beginnings to start manifesting. You have fought many battles, but be certain that the moment has come for you to claim what is yours. This is not the time to shy away from hard work. Those who are close to you know that you are tired, but they also know how strong and capable you are. You have in them the support system you need. Do not hesitate to ask for help when you need it. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness as you usually think. Asking for help is a sign that you are wise to acknowledge your humanity. This month will be beneficial if you pray to Saint Peter. Saint Peter as the rock of the church can give you the strength and the wisdom to be the rock of the foundation of something big. Will give you the knowledge of self and others, and will give you the key to your kingdom. Saint Peter can show you that it is not necessary to be perfect. That is perfectly normal to doubt and to make mistakes. But He will also show you how to have an unbreakable faith. For those of you who work with crystals, it would be highly beneficial if you work with Labradorite. Labradorite is a stone of transformation and can be very useful through change, imparting strength and perseverance. It balances and protects the aura, raises consciousness and grounds spiritual energies. It can also stimulate mental acuity, and relieves anxiety.
- Lucky Numbers: 1, 10, 24, 37, 48, 59, 63
- Prepared Candle: Healing
- Spiritual Bath: Guardian Angel
- Blessed Mojo Bag: Health
- Saint of the Month: Saint Peter
- Stone of the Month: Labradorite
CAPRICORN: (December 22-January 19). Love, happiness, and success will be showering you this month. When you have faith and you are positive, there’s nothing you can’t accomplish. Work is of utmost importance this month, and many of you are going to see improvements in your work field. Maybe even that elusive position or that new and more rewarding job you have been praying for is just around the corner. Love will be very important for you this month. Many of you may have finally found the right partner. Cherish and enjoy this moment, because things will be moving to the next level and wedding bells might be ringing very soon. You have suffered enough, and many of you will find yourselves in a whirlpool of changes and new opportunities. The key this month is moving forward. Leave behind everything that does not contributes anything good and do not be afraid to dive into the new and exciting. God and your spirits are right behind you giving you all the support and help you need. This month will be beneficial if you pray to Saint Carlos Borromeo. Saint Carlos can show you the way towards victory and still show you how to be grateful for what you have and how to help others achieve success with the grace of God. For those of you who work with crystals it will be highly beneficial if you work with Crystal Quartz. Quartz is the most powerful healing stone of the mineral kingdom, able to work on any condition. Crystal Quartz is known as the stone of power and amplifies any energy or intention. It protects against negativity, attunes to your higher self, and relieves pain.
- Lucky Numbers: 9, 19, 22, 39, 45, 52, 60
- Prepared Candle: Indian Protector
- Spiritual Bath: Indian Protection
- Blessed Mojo Bag: Money
- Saint of the Month: Saint Carlos Borromeo
- Stone of the Month: Clear Quartz
AQUARIUS: (January 20-February 19). This month will bring a lot of comfort, abundance, happiness, joy and love. Motherhood will bless many of you, and many will become mothers very soon. Abundance will be smiling at you. Those of you whose mothers are still alive, this is a time to connect with them more than ever. Many of the answers you have been looking for will come from the wisdom of mothers. Creativity is of utmost importance this month. It is a great sign if you are feeling inspired lately. It will be from creativity that many of you will come up with plans and designs for a better future. This is not a time for self doubt. Trust your instincts more than anything! Find the strength and willpower to see through any adversity, and you will find solutions just laid down in front of you. It is of great importance that all of this comes from a place of love and tolerance. Not through one of aggression and harshness. Put your fears and frustrations behind you, envelop yourself in positivity and you will reap great rewards. Do not be afraid of being alone or loneliness. Take time to relax and contemplate on the future. Through peace and solace many answers will come to you, and everything will be crystal clear. Be aware that this is not a time to make hasty decisions. Try to avoid stress and above all rest. Recuperating brings great transformation. While change may be difficult, you will definitely end victorious. This month will be beneficial if you pray to Saint Jude. Saint Jude is the patron Saint of the impossible. He can show you the way into the unknown and will help you solve any obstacle or complications that may seem impossible to surmount. Saint Jude can also manifest prosperity out of nowhere and can cement the basis of a prosperous future. For those of you who work with crystals it would be highly beneficial if you work with Topaz. In crystal work, Topaz is best known for its manifesting properties. It is a crystal of joy, generosity, abundance and good health. It is known as a stone of love and good fortune. It is say to release tension and encourage relaxation. Blue Topaz brings truth and wisdom and aids in clear communication.
- Lucky Numbers: 8, 10, 23, 33, 46, 52, 63
- Prepared Candle: Money Drawing
- Spiritual Bath: Saint Jude
- Blessed Mojo Bag: Good Luck
- Saint of the Month: Saint Jude
- Stone of the Month: Topaz
PISCES: (February 20-March 20). You feel a sense of purpose and the willpower to get things done. Self-empowerment is the key word here. Any new enterprises in love or career show great potential. You feel that you have the ability to think on your feet and, faced with opposition, you will be successful. It is time to believe in yourself and go for it! What you most want at this time is absolute change, to end what you no longer want and start anew. You may desire to transform your career or your love life, perhaps your whole lifestyle in general. However radical such changes might be, embracing them will help you grow in wisdom and experience. You are feeling uneasy and insecure, something in your gut is saying "be careful, all is not as it seems" - something just doesn't feel right. Delay any decisions or actions until you have answered your concerns. If you are male, a woman in your life is being a bad influence right now. There's a possibility of permanence. If you're considering a commitment in a relationship or marriage this is a good sign. However, question your motives because here we have temptation and addiction, and a desire to be controlled or controlling. So use your intuition and if you recognize what you feel as being sincere, great. If not you still have a chance to change direction. If considering giving up a bad habit, such as smoking or drinking for example, now is a good time to start. You are at risk of doing something hasty out of impatience and rage. This is not a time for irrational and impulsive behavior - don't be arrogant and resentful. Try and remain calm and let the rage go. Take time to make a cool and collected decision. It signals a warning not to make hasty decisions. This is a truly creative and fertile time. Expect the best if you are considering having a child, creating a new job or business opportunity or starting a creative project. You will soon enter a time of abundance, joy and happiness, and reassurance - a firm foundation for future progress. This month it will be beneficial if you pray to Saint Barbara Africana. Saint Barbara is all about divine justice, victory, and self-worth. She can give you the strength to fight for what you want and to put things in their rightful place. She can also show you the way to prosperity and how to be balanced and frugal. For those of you who work with crystals it would be highly beneficial if you work with Amethyst. Amethyst is known to improve self-discovery, peace of mind, and relaxation. It is also said to carry inner strength as well as courage. Amethyst makes powerful healing fields around the owner and it is great for improving the immune system and cleanse your aura.
- Lucky Numbers: 6, 17, 22, 32, 49, 50, 65
- Prepared Candle: Come To Me
- Spiritual Bath: 21 Divisions
- Blessed Mojo Bag: Protection
- Saint of the Month: Saint Barbara
- Stone of the Month: Amethyst