Custom sweet honey of love candle 69629

Sweet Honey Of Love Hand Carved Candle

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This beautiful, custom Sweet Honey Of Love Hand Carved Candle is dedicated to the Orisha of love and beauty: Oshun. Oshun is the one to call upon if you desire love, passion, and happiness in your life. She will fill your heart and your soul with her sweetness.

Names and/or Dates To Be Carved On Candle There is limited space, so keep what you want carved on this candle to less than 25 characters.
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Our spiritualist will say a prayer over your candle, light it, and place it on our altar. You will receive one photo of your lit candle via email. NOTE: It may take 7-10 days to receive your photo, so please be patient.
Let our spiritualist pray over and bless your candle, amulet, talisman, or jewelry item.

The Orisha Oshun is the goddess of love and sensuality. She is associated with romantic love, the joys of life, and the pleasures of the senses.

Use our Sweet Honey Of Love Hand Carved Candle to invoke Oshun for help with love and romantic relationships. Her energy is believed to attract and enhance the experience of love, fostering passion and emotional connections between individuals. She is also called upon to promote marital harmony and happiness. Couples may seek her blessings to strengthen their bond and resolve conflicts within their relationships. Oshun is associated with self-love and confidence. Work with her energy to enhance your self-esteem, self-worth, and self-acceptance.

Place a little dish of honey by this candle and let her sweeten your life.

Each and every one of our hand-carved candles are charged with special oils and various ingredients to help you ignite your wishes and command your desires. Comes with detailed instructions for burning.


A Prayer to The Orisha Oshun

Oshun, radiant and beloved goddess, Goddess of love, beauty, and sensuality, I come before you with reverence and gratitude, Seeking your blessings and guidance.

You who embody the sweetness of life, Whose laughter and joy bring light to the world, I honor your presence and your grace, And I ask for your favor in my life.

Oshun, queen of the rivers and the sweet waters, Your gentle currents cleanse and rejuvenate, I ask that you wash away my worries and sorrows, And fill my heart with love and abundance.

Grant me the gift of self-love and confidence, That I may walk in beauty and radiate your light, Help me nurture the bonds of love and friendship, And find joy in the pleasures of the senses.

Oshun, muse of creativity and inspiration, Bless my endeavors with your artistic touch, Guide my hands and heart as I create and express, And fill my life with the music of laughter and love.

I offer you this token of my respect and gratitude, [Offer your chosen gift or token here], As a symbol of my devotion and appreciation.

May your blessings flow into my life, As freely as the rivers you govern, And may your sweet presence fill my soul, Bringing love, beauty, and abundance to all I do.
