How to Perform an Egg Cleanse (Limpia de Huevo)
Lulu shows you how to do a traditional egg cleanse as well as how to interpret what the results of your cracked egg mean.
Cleaning your home:
Cleaning your home with holy water is a common spiritual practice. The process typically involves sprinkling or splashing holy water in each room of the home, or on specific objects or areas that need to be purified. Some of the reasons people might clean their home with holy water include:
For Cleansing your ritual tools:
Dip each tool into the holy water, allowing it to soak for a few minutes. You can also sprinkle the holy water over the tool while visualizing any negative energy being cleansed.
For Bathing:
To make a spiritual bath, fill a bathtub with warm water and add a few splashes of holy water and a generous amount of Florida water. Soak for at least 15 minutes, focusing on your intention for the bath, and then rinse yourself with clean water before disposing of the used bathwater.
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