Ceromancy: Divination Using Wax
Candles have been used by people since the dawn of time for many different reasons. From the practical function of providing light, to the spiritual purpose of rituals and spellwork, candles carry with them an innate beauty and mystery. They have the power to draw us into their flame, soothe us, and open our eyes to the messages being sent our way.
How your candle burns holds deep significance. Things like the strength of the flame, the direction in which it tilts, and the color of smoke that the candle gives off are all clues to the spiritual insights they hold.
Another powerful way to gain observations from your candle is to study how the wax burns. The art of reading a candle's melted and hardened wax is called Ceromancy. Ceromancy is one of the most ancient types of divination. Wax drippings provide hints into how effectively your magic is working and if your messages are being blocked or thwarted.
How to Read the Signs of Ceromancy
The way that a candle deconstructs as it melts can be extremely significant. Uncovering the hidden meanings of your candle wax can be done in two ways. The first is to examine and interpret the natural forms left after your candle has burned. The way the wax pools when the candle burns down, the way it drips on the sides of the candle, or if the wax "drowns" the wick all have meaning.
During the burning process, the wax melts and forms images. Transient images are the forms that the wax takes as it is melting. These images can appear as droplets or "tears." If the tears melt and disappear by the time the candle is finished burning, it is believed that any sorrow you carry will pass quickly. If the tears harden and remain on the sides of the candle, you may be burdened with your sorrows for a long time to come before you achieve your desired goal.
The shapes taken on by the solidifying wax are called persistent images. After a candle burns, the puddle that is left should be observed for any significance to the spell it was used with. For example, if you have conducted a love-drawing spell and incorporated a Love Affirmations Pillar Candle into your ritual, a heart-shaped wax puddle is a good sign. If you are burning an Abundance/Shango candle as part of a money-drawing ritual and the wax spills over onto your altar and dries on your monetary offering, the spell is working and the money has been blessed.
If you are conducting a marriage spell and incorporating a Marriage Candle into the ritual, observe which figure - the bride or groom - burns more quickly. It can be said that this partner is the more eager of the two to get married and may dominate the other after the marriage ceremony has been performed.
Novena or glass candles are often used in Hoodoo spellwork. When you are burning an encased candle, the waxy residue left behind can offer you clues. If there is a lot of wax remaining at the bottom of the glass after the candle has burned, there may be some unfinished business left for you to explore and address. A second ritual may need to be conducted to fully resolve any lingering issues. Wax left on the sides of the glass could mean that you are subconsciously blocking yourself from achieving your desires.
Look for any black soot left behind after your glass candle has burned. If the soot is mainly at the top half of your candle, the obstacle you were trying to overcome has been unblocked. Soot appearing the entire length of the candle or at the bottom of the candle should be taken as a warning that there is negative energy that is blocking your path. You may want to consider performing an uncrossing ritual to counter the negativity.
Any white soot left on the glass is a positive message from the spirits. It is a method of spiritual communication letting you know that your request has been received and your prayers have been heard.
Wax on Water: Candle Drip Divination
Another way to observe and identify the messages from the candle's wax is by tipping the candle over a shallow bowl of water and letting some of the wax pour into the water. When you drip candle wax in water, it hardens and forms images. These images can be decoded and clarified, similar to the art of reading tea leaves.
To perform this candle drip divination, fill a glass bowl with a few inches of water. Gather some 9" Jumbo Candles, in various colors. Light a candle that corresponds to your question – for example, green represents success and abundance. Hold the candle upright over the water for a moment, focusing on your question. When the flame is fully burning and the wax has begun dripping, tilt the candle about an inch away from the water's surface.
Allow the wax to drip onto the water. The tiny drops should merge together into shapes. If they do not, you must focus harder on your question. After a minute or two, a definitive shape will appear on the water. As it hardens, snuff out your candle. Look at the shape. Study it to see what it looks like and touch it to see if you receive any messages from the wax.
Do your best to be confident in your findings. Try not to dismiss them as implausible or ridiculous. Remember that images can mean different things to different people. A star may be a happy image representing freedom and faith, or it can be a sad image representing loss. What you see in your wax drippings is a very personal thing and should not be influenced by anyone but you.
There are many resources, including online sources and books, that can help provide meaning to the images that you see during your candle reading. It is important to remember that the most important interpretation comes from within you. Trust in your instincts and tap into what a particular image means most to you.